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  1. airgunutty


    The birth date is on the side. Mine as you can see in the picture is 1021 (October 2021). I stuffed my stock too. Couldn't stand the hollow sound it made when touched. I went with guaze. No additional weight but definitely dampened the empty cavern sound.
  2. airgunutty


    What caliber is your at44? I ask because I recently got one in 177. Still waiting to get a pump so I can try it out. Did you get a new one? What year was yours made? Have you had a chance to try yours out? Just curious and wanted to see how our two similar purchases compared. I am also new to...
  3. airgunutty

    Printable Targets

    Thank you for taking the time to put this unbelievable collection together for everyone. Awesome job. Airgunutty
  4. airgunutty

    Back when we had cool/dangerous toys

    That seems like a great way to become acquainted with your local Alphabet org agents. Wow
  5. airgunutty

    Back when we had cool/dangerous toys

    Hahaha. I seem to recall waiting for rainy days to wash those spinners off the roof of the house. Because that's where they always ended up.
  6. airgunutty

    How do you challenge you?

    Thanks for your response. But I don't think anyone started out shooting competition. Seems to me like you would want to be proficient at your self made challenges prior to stepping into a competition setting. I'm a newb who doesn't have a lot of experience in interesting and difficult and...
  7. airgunutty

    Back when we had cool/dangerous toys

    That was the fun. Who could stay on, who didn't throw up and who didn't have permanently distorted equilibrium. Ahhhhh good times.🫢
  8. airgunutty

    Back when we had cool/dangerous toys

    I had one of these when I was probably around 8 or 9 in the 70s. We might have been young but we could really get this thing rolling. Don't know how many neighborhood kids ended up at the ER. Can't believe my parents never got sued. Not in this day and age. Someone walking in front of your...
  9. airgunutty

    New Member

    I have a bunch of them. My roos won't allow starlings to be in around the food. They get chased away. Sure they may get some bites of food but they don't have a buffet. I've found some that forgot their place and ended up dead with a hole in the head that I didn't put there. Stingy, aggressive...
  10. airgunutty

    How do you challenge you?

    What are some of the diy challenges that you've set up for yourself. The ones where almost everything needs to be perfect to make that difficult shot. One of mine is trying to put a 177 into the pierced opening of an empty 12g co2 cartridge at 50yds. I'm sure someone will read this and consider...
  11. airgunutty

    How do YOU challenge YOU?

    What are some of the diy challenges that you've set up for yourself. The ones where almost everything needs to be perfect to make that difficult shot. One of mine is trying to put a 177 into the pierced opening of an empty 12g co2 cartridge at 50yds. I'm sure someone will read this and consider...
  12. airgunutty

    New Member

    I too raise chickens (crested polish) and one of the reasons I love air guns. My chickens aren't alarmed by the shooting unless I use those light pellets and go over 1100fps. Then they start yelling and throwing fits. Any way just wanted to say that there are others out here airgunning and...
  13. airgunutty

    Is there a soft shooting target pellet trap?

    Absolutely. Get a cardboard box and go to your closet. Start cramming as much old clothes that you don't wear and haven't worn in years, probably like me do to size differential. Works well for indoor set up and on the plus side CHEAP. Reuse in a new box as needed.
  14. airgunutty

    📈 End-of-Year Balance: How much $$ did you spend in 2024❓

    More than I should have, but each bullseye helps ease the pain.
  15. airgunutty

    Yet another new member

    Welcome.Come on in, the water is fine.
  16. airgunutty

    How many members in this Nation?

    I guess I'll start. One!
  17. airgunutty

    New Member

    Welcome. I too am relatively new to this forum. I have been pleased with the friendly responses and kind suggestions. I hope you have a similar experience. Any way I just wanted you to know that you are in a well run forum and should you have any questions someone will have the answers that you...
  18. airgunutty

    Hatsan New Hatsan at44 177 qe long for $138.00

    I think that the biggest problem is my lack of patience. I need to focus on one process at a time. First get a pump and see what makes itself the next hurdle to take on. 👍 Again thank you for spending some of your time trying to help make my problems more manageable.
  19. airgunutty

    Hatsan New Hatsan at44 177 qe long for $138.00

    Thank you for your detailed description. I am learning more each day. I am fortunate in that my gun being a newer model it has the hammer adjustment port and the hammer locking hole already drilled. I was thinking that you were saying that it would take a 6in.4mm from underneath the safety. I...