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  1. W

    range finders.

    Got this one a few days ago from Amazon- works very well.
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    Air Venturi Avenge- X .22

    I have the 25.39 pellets but have not tried them yet.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    They are both super nice, your synthetic will shoot just as good as the wood stock, hope you enjoy yours, post updated pictures on yours when available so we can see how your doing- enjoy your shooting.
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    Air Venturi Avenge- X .22

    Haven't tried that yet, but have shot these 28.55 gr. JSB Diabolo, they also shoot super good.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Thanks, yep I really enjoy mine, its a great rifle for anyone.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Not trying to impress anyone, just passing along information, I always enjoy learning all I can, and some other people do also, my posts are information posts and are intended for people to view and enjoy.
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    Air Venturi Avenge- X .22

    Got in some 38 yard groups today with the Avenge-X .22 , five shot groups at .74" , less than a quarter, 28.55 groups. JSB Diabolo Exact, this rifle is really liking the JSB Pellets, overall very well pleased with this rifle, a real pleasure to shoot.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Got in some 38 yard groups today, still very accurate, 5 shot group at .74", less than a quarter, average 782 fish., 28.55 gr. JSB Diabolo, very pleased with this Avenge- X , it really likes the JSB Diabolo Exact.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    They will be coming in a few days- having lots of rain here now, it has limited my shooting time, I will post the results when available.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Thanks- surely will enjoy it.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Yep, really enjoying myself, real relaxing, got my brother out there with me some today, he is an ex marine veteran expert marksman and he was having fun shooting bullseyes, hoping to get him more in it also.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-X .22 Tack Driver.

    Well day one with my new Air Venturi Avenge- X .22 cal. , about all I can say is Wow , super accurate and very fun to shoot, didn't get a full day because of rain, got almost a half day, took about 7 or 8 shots to get my scope dialed in, probably fired around 80 to 100 rounds today, first 5...
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    Air Venturi Avenge-x Classic

    Great advise- I do have a notebook for each of my rifles, and I will be keeping detailed notes on everything- going to take my time- have several different weights and brands of ammo going to try it all out- thanks for the advise- getting setup outside now- will update in a few days.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-x Classic

    Thanks- just about to go outside and shoot it for the first time.
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    Air Venturi Avenge-x Classic

    Yep I forgot to mention I also got the .25 cal. barrel also, thats why there is a .25 cal magazine in there, I always do many hours of research before I buy something, I mostly heard good things about the Avenge- X I am sure I will get many hours of enjoyment from it- will post updates later...
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    Air Venturi Avenge-x Classic

    Well pulled the trigger and bought my second PCP rifle today, got the Air Venturi Avenge- X Classic in the wood stock, with the 400cc bottle, got the .22 cal. , very nice rifle, haven't got to shoot it yet, maybe tomorrow, really enjoying air guns so far, lots to learn, and research.
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    N/A Choosing a .30 cal

    I have the Umarex Gauntlet SL 30, had it about a month, really like it so far, very accurate, havent put a whole lot of rounds thru. it yet but it shoots very well, most of my shots so far have been 30 to 40 yards, been shooting around nickle to dime size groups, slugs, & pellets, will be...
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    Air Venturi Avenge- x classic

    Getting close to buying another PCP rifle- mainly looking at the Air Venturi Avenge-X classic with the 400cc bottle- cant decide on .22 , or .25 , mainly will be used for having fun shooting targets, maybe some small game hunting, from you Avenge- X owners what calibers do you have, and what are...