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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    @Bandito All is well. Many thanks for the ping. I'm very glad that the holiday is beyond us now. Well, I got me a Ground Squirrel for xmas. But, I was not able to get the trophy pics, as it disappeared into the wild edge shrubs in the background. I did get this picture of it a moment before...
  2. Moke

    Dealing with stuck pellet tin lids

    I do this for both stuck pellet tin lids and stuck jam/canning jar lids (read: any lid that gets put on and heat sealed, like preserves),.... You can take a knife, like a stout/stiff kitchen carving knife, and, using the spine of the knife, you can go around the lid in the direction that would...
  3. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    I understand the steamrollerin' thing, all too well. So,... I built her her own tuffette on the top left corner of the bed (as viewed from the foot). Its a shallow depth plastic storage tote box, of perhaps 6" deep; it is placed on a couple of pieces of a rigid packing foam that reaches the...
  4. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    On the Cat front,.... Kitty wrangled a Mouse yesterday. She brought it to the patio, and, promptly ate it. I only realized that she had caught/eaten one by the really creepy appearance of a long skinny tongue sticking out of Kittys mouth; it was the long end of the mouses tail sticking out of...
  5. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    @Bandito My apologies. I did not realize that you had posted. I've not shot at any rodents in the last couple of weeks. What have I been doing? Lots of brush clearing, readying for winds and fires. We had one quite near us (-3miles), and that prompted lots of brush clearing. I've also been...
  6. Moke

    Facebook group content

    A Pesting section. I'm completely clueless about Facebook, as I'm not a member, nor do I own a cellphone. So, if hunting is verboten, please pass on this suggestion.
  7. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    Kitty,.... this week: Mouse Gopher Shrew The weather has cooled, and she has returned to form. This is her Shrew.: The other rodents: The mouse was eaten before camera was ready. The gopher was just an identifiable pile of guts. Shrews must not taste very good, as she presented it to us, and...
  8. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    Gents, many thanks. I'm fine,... I'm just on very low rodent rations lately. In fact, the blind is stowed, the lighting removed, and, the night vision binoculars were returned to my neighbor. Then,.... my neighbor came over and assigned them back to me on longer term loan, calling me the...
  9. Moke

    Is it me or does this also make you cringe a bit?

    cringe a bit,...... I got to cleanup a dead Coyote in the yard this afternoon. It had taken to stinking bad enough to be able to track it down. Then it was a pitch/hay fork, and a large rolling trash dumpster, for pickup tomorrow by the local trash service. I almost threw-up, only once. The...
  10. Moke

    What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

    They gave me another chance (second chance) I thought I shot its left eye out, but the same hole thing just folded it back. The weird alien thing got the day off - no shots at it.
  11. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    Rats have been scarce, though I saw a huge one in the videos a couple of night ago. It was mostly too far to the side to see it well; and the battery was dying, and the camera went back to standard color mode to conserve energy, and quite grainy. And, this from last nights video,.... Me vs...
  12. Moke

    What driveway dinger?

    I got this one:
  13. Moke

    What driveway dinger?

    I tried the Harbor Freight device, over this past weekend, and it was a complete and utter fail. Now I got to go back and hopefully just get a refund. To get there is another city in another county. Failed: > 6vdc input to run it off of a wall wart transformer - total fail despite trying...
  14. Moke

    What do you do with the quarry you’ve taken down?

    Shown here with my silver-handled, I don't touch Vermin, sling'em-back-upslopers,... for the Coyotes.
  15. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    I've been getting the distinct feeling that I wringing this out now,.... down to the last Rat. I'm seeing lots of Mice down on the floor. But I'm only seeing the one Rat now. And with me teaching it new tricks,.... +,.... pop goes the Crosman. We had Lima beans with dinner tonight - yuch...
  16. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    Sleep is wonderful. So, in reviewing the tapes from last night,... the Rat has figured out the seed tins. Look for the small pair of glowing eyes in the center seed tin [goes back to bed smilie here] this definitely slows them down - stops them.
  17. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    ^ an already outdated photo. After reviewing the tapes, the Rat that was running on the higher old feeding rail, it was hungry, and, the next night it was seen running the lower, new feeding rail (new 6x6). It was running the entire length of the backstop from left to right. It would then...
  18. Moke

    Sometimes you just flat out miss!

    a possible new member?
  19. Moke

    Sometimes you just flat out miss!

    member and I know that I can outdo all of y'all!
  20. Moke

    Me vs. My Cat -- pt. Two

    And, this is perhaps a better look at the new pellet tin feeders, and their location on the backstop. It is on a vertical face, perhaps 5" above the new 6x6 baseboard. The area immediately above the red tin lid is the old runway rail that they used to feed on, and still carries Rat trail stink.