Search results for query: FX DRS

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  1. blackdog899

    N/A Aesthetics in all weather conditions . With the Airguns my conditions will not vary as extremely, so back to wood looks good. The revere and kratos are it so far. The raw has the red laminate because of a sale and available. Id prefer the walnut. Really interested lately in the fx drs walnut of course.
  2. N

    Introducing the Daystate Black Wolf!

    Your reply does not compute. The base gray Blackwolf in 17'' with a cylinder is $2200. The most comparable FX model would be the DRS Classic in 500mm which is only $999. $1200 less. The base gray Blackwolf in 23'' with a bottle is $2600. The most comparable FX model would be the King Synthetic...
  3. F

    N/A Which of your airguns would you choose for a 60yd target for only one shot?

    I'd really like to say the DRS, but I've probably spent as much time chasing leaks as shooting. After 48 hours, it may or may not have air in it yet. So I'll have to go with the wildcat mk3 compact. I seem to get lucky and have minimal reg creep or POI changes with my FX rifles.
  4. Vetmx

    FX M4 impact issues

    Don’t even get me going on the DRS. That gun was the nail in the coffin for me and FX. Unless something miraculous happens, the FX’s at my house currently are the last.
  5. B

    Other New PCP interest

    Besides more air is there a down side? I mean that would easily handle coon and fox.
  6. Emu

    N/A Yet another buying help thread

    ...Find a .25 Cal that can shoot slugs right and you will be done. FX Panthera 600 mm Uragan King Wolverine Look at this 5 shot group with FX DRS .22 Cal and NSA slugs at 80 mts (87.5 yards). DRS gives very few shots per fill, but Panthera with double bottle will give a lot of shots per fill:
  7. djna

    N/A Choose One Gun Please

    ...all are lasers, High quality. My old AA 410 Extra FAC will shoot Slugs accurately to, recently just started testing H&N Slugs - with Great results. I do like the looks of the FX DRS and it’s got Fair price. I’m just not sure I would be ready to go down the FX rabbit hole yet personally.
  8. Impact701

    FX Who Has Received Their DRST ?

    Looks like Topgun-Airguns has all configurations in stock
  9. Justaguy

    This is how I put a bipod on my DRS

    Picture doesn't show it but the stock .25 500mm comes standard with the SHP.
  10. M

    FX .22/600mm FX DRS Classic - a couple of stats...

    Yes. Im aware of that 😊 But how is it best to tune? With hammer and fixed reg setting or with reg + hammer
  11. F

    Taipan New Taipan Veteran 2 & GX CS-3I

  12. Raider03

    Single shot tray for DRS .

    CARM has one listed for the DRS.
  13. Vana2

    FX .22/600mm FX DRS Classic - a couple of stats...

    Some PCPs ( like my AirArms S510, Daystate Wolverine, Weihrauch HW100) require deep disassembly and/or replacing parts to make adjustments, the DRS doesn't. The DRS lacks the convenient external access of the other FX PCPs but the adjustments easily are available if you remove the stock. Cheers!
  14. FLgunner

    FX carbon sleeve not tight?!

    The barrel housing in the DRS seals to the air cylinder with o-rings at the end of the air cylinder and attaches to the breech block on the other end. Changing just a barrel liner to get a different twist rate requires degassing and disassemble of the air cylinder. Changing caliber is a bit...
  15. Impact701


    I second the Form stock, but they have a 14 inch LOP with the non adjustable LOP and a 15 to 16 inch LOP with the fully adjustable buttstock like I have.
  16. Str8tshooter

    Best light options for ladies?

    FX DRS Classic?
  17. Peashooter

    Other Choosing an M4 question

    I have not been fixing to buy another FX in spite of all my fun with the Maverick, since then i got a AGT Vulcan 3 and i now have a Epic airguns Two. The DRS classic had me wound up though, but then as its knobs are not reachable, and i am not the kind of guy that take a girl to dinner but no...
  18. Raider03

    Introducing the Daystate Black Wolf!

    @Newobby Your correct, it doesn't compute. The 1800 price is in Pounds Sterling. Covert to US dollars and you get $2200.
  19. RabbitofCaerbannog

    .177 varmint knockers

    They should be. The 218s and so far 3 FX liners ive shot them from have been a perfect match. I am also fully behind using varmint knockers. Great little lead Grenades.
  20. tommyb

    FX Said I'd NEVER sell my FX Boss, BUT.....

    Gerry, Even though I don’t own the DRS, I say go for it. You have had great fun and memories with the FX Boss .30 and it’s fun to have something to look forward to trying out in 2025. I love Mike’s ( CC) Boss, but since I shoot the 30-40y target challenge 90% of my range time, I seldom shoot...