Search results for query: FX DRS

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  1. RabbitofCaerbannog

    Griffin .22 ldc 17g slugs?

    Amazingly, out of the superior liner. From 730-900fps. NO CHANGE. Pellet good. .I shoot 21gr out of a 700 Drs... Same story higher speeds
  2. Vetmx

    How does the AGT Uragan 2 compare with the AGT Vulcan 3 – for long range Slug Shooting?

    Not interested in running around with a long a$$ gun so it doesn’t matter what a DRS can do. I had one and it was the first FX I owned that felt cheap. Sold it. But it shot well.
  3. kaylaindy

    FX The $999 FX DRS Synthetic (Video Review) 500mm Compact Weighs 5.2 pounds

    An FX for $999? What? ...and it's super nice! Here is my full review of the 500mm compact FX DRS Classic synthetic. Thanks for watching! -Nate
  4. hdstroker

    FX Fx drs

    I was wondering if anyone has dropped the new drs in a rem700 chassis it looks similar from a distance
  5. Perle

    Message out to classified low ballers

    But he “identifies “ as a high end air gunner ……..
  6. 3

    Message out to classified low ballers

    No wayyyyyyyyy that’s real. 😱😱😱
  7. slcrcflyer

    FX FX DRS Tactical, just awesome 👌

    Picked up my DRS Tactical from my good friends at Utah Airguns today. Installed grey Hogue grip, stock, with a folding hinge, and a plenum/regulator gauge. Straight forward easy install of everything. You will need a douty seal for the regulator guage as it seals against the plenum surface. The...
  8. Impact701

    FX Options for DRS chassis or stock
  9. M

    FX Fx DRS vs Dreamline for 1st PCP

    Hi I am looking to get my first PCP after many years of using Springerss. I am looking at these two models. Would probably buy in 22 caliber and use primarily for backyard shooting ranges and some hunting. I originally came across the DRS at a local shop and loved it, but it occurred to me...
  10. MongooseV8

    N/A Need Advice on a PCP Purchase

    Id get an FX DRS Wood Stock and down tune it to suit his needs.
  11. scottblair

    FX DRS walnut stock refinish

    Well, I've purchased the FX DRS 500/.22. I've been interested in this "air tube over barrel" concept ever since I saw it announced last year. After decades of owning and shooting airguns of all types, I'm really liking the bull barrel "firearm look" of this rifle. I wanted the Grade 2 Walnut...
  12. B


    FX has time, money and resources to work on a project like this but can't find the motivation to add a front sling swivel stud to the DRS Classic models that everyone has been asking for???
  13. J

    FX FX DRS question

    So I'm interested in the FX DRS in .22, maybe .25, with a 600mm barrel. I reached out to a seller and asked if the heavy barrel was available in 600mm for this gun. The answer was yes, but it wouldn't shoot pellets well. This left me a bit confused. The 700mm version, which has the heavy barrel...
  14. AirgunAndy89

    Fx drs oring failures anyone?

    Received my fx drs classic .22 700mm with the shp plenum . Let’s first say that when this gun is sealed it’s a tack driver not only at 100 but even out to 200 yards ! Unfortunetly 6 out of 10 outings an oring failure has occurred 3 of which has been an oring on the barrel that holds the...
  15. Emu

    Other New PCP interest
  16. madeintheuk

    N/A Compact traditional rifle

    Also been looking into the new drs classic, but after these same fx YouTubers blabbed about the air tubes over barrels causing poi changes, are now touring the drs as revolutionary. It seems counted productive
  17. bfloyd1095


    Question for you about this statement, were those winning guns "Stock with PRODUCTION components" or modified? The reason I bring this up is the 2 DRS platform guns that I have had come across my bench in the Production Stock Form were what I consider to be "Hunter" accurate at best..
  18. Impact701

    N/A Looking for some help here

    FX DRS Classic, solid simple design. Easy to setup. It can be setup to shoot pellets or slugs. Rifles with a 700mm barrel come with slug liners and SHP plenum to shoot slugs if thats what you like to shoot. Both of my DRS rifles are extremely accurate !
  19. M

    FX FX DRS .177 - 700 pellet loading problem

    Hi Can anyone tell me why my DRS needs force to load a pellet? When I load slugs its smooth like butter when moving the cocking handle forward - but when loading JSB 13.43g or 16.20g the handle need a very hard push. Any explanation?