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  1. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Sounds like fill is a constant factor. Copy regarding pellets, but you are above my pay grade when it comes to liners/choke. I am fairly new to PCPs and learning everyday. I will do some research on choke/liners. I don’t think link liners apply to the Red Wolf. I am sure by the end of the...
  2. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    I’ll see what 980 does for my RW. Would be nice not to have to worry too much about fliers. 18gr doesn’t seem to be too much of an issue, just some tweaking. Plan to mostly shoot 25s so your history is much help. Glad you take good notes : ). I will check my fill pressure next time I shoot...
  3. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thank you for the fps/pellet data. I will definitely work around these numbers when I get my tuner. I have been playing with both JSB 25.39 and FX 25.4 pellets at different speeds, but I need the tuner to put them in a sweet spot to be sure which pellet my rifle likes. My RW also likes a...
  4. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    I lubed with baristol. I will try my next batch with silicone. I need to buy a scale to start my sorting. Any little bit helps. Thank you!
  5. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    I will definitely do that this summer. I plan to volunteer at RMAC for Utah Airguans. Sounds like my kind of family :) . I have been following a lot of your discussions and shooting. Very impressive.
  6. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thanks 6Gun…I think the tune will do wonders…appreciate your comments: I took the advice of “Igolfat8” and lubed my pellets and changed up the rear rest and shot a couple of more target cards Today. My brother had a Cheaney rear bag with a pump and gave that a shot. I still need to buy a...
  7. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thanks for the heads-up.
  8. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thanks. I enjoy the challenge of making it the best platform I can for my mediocre shooting. I don’t mind not being great as long as it has decent accuracy and I don’t embarrass myself when competing down the road. I appreciate everyone who has helped me along the way. Much appreciated.
  9. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thanks. Wish I had your mad fabricating skills. Looks awesome.
  10. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Nice shoot BTW (y)
  11. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thank you for the links. I will look at them in more detail soon. How much does your rear rest weigh? My bipod has a cant and pan feature so just and elevation feature may work.
  12. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thank you for the info. I have some pellets drying right now and will lube with Baristol and give it a go tomorrow. I was also thinking 950-960 fps might be better. It’ll take a while to get a heli-board so shooting 18gr will have to work for now.
  13. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Nice stock. I was thinking about buying the GP Stock from Daystate and converting it over so I would have a flatter surface for bench.
  14. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Looks like a solid set-up. Gives me some great ideas. Is that the original stock?
  15. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Oh wow. That is nice. I take it that it is a one-off rear rest. It looks like I have some research to do for my set-up. I hope I can find something similar to help. Thanks for the pic!
  16. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Good to know…What do you use to lube a pellet…silicone? Is the rear mechanical rest a separate unit from the front rest or is it a one piece? I did see some lab jacks and was also looking at the Cheney rear bag with a pump. What do you use? It would be nice not to have the squeeze factor...
  17. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    You hit the nail on the head. My rear bag definitely needs some is rarely comfortable in the hold. I just need to find the right one that works for me. Great info! I will increase my fps with the tune, it is about 50 fps low for the 25.4gr. I would suspect this will tighten up...
  18. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thank Ricochet. Yeah, 25 yards is a lot easier :ROFLMAO:
  19. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Thanks for your reply “igolfat8”: I tried shooting JSB redesign (shallow and deep) 25.39 and FX 25.4 on high power. Shallows seem the best, but not as accurate as I need them to be. I will also try the 22 grain JTS as recommended. I have a .22 Red Wolf HP coming in the mail and will give the...
  20. MDRICH2

    Bench Rest Accuracy with tuner (Heliboard)

    Hi. I am fairly new to Airguns and have recently became a member of the Airgun Nation website. I am really learning a lot about my PCP and shooting in general. I am recently retired and thought bench rest would be a great and expensive hobby to take up some of my down-time. I have attached a...