I think it's more comfortable if it's further back closer to the back end of the stock. I'm gonna mess with it and go plinking here soon. I appreciate the input!
How much did the thermal scope run you? And do you have one you would recommend for lower entry level? Everything I've seen so far on them, is that they are really expensive.
Ill check out some youtube videos. I was trying to figure out if I have the scope mounted correctly? I did notice one other western rattler owner that had their scope way back on the end. Do you have a recommendation for placement?
Nice shooting. I do have a question, I have a similar setup, is your crosshair noticeably low since the scope sits so high on the gun? I have a nightvision scope and wonder if I have it setup wrong.
Wow, this is incredible. Do you think a 357 rattler could take down one? I was thinking of upgrading to a larger caliber since my main use would be only large game deer and above.
I mean it's a fantastic platform. Don't get me wrong, but I was thinking of going the Bintac MCAR route. I'd like it for distance firing, and big game. Have we seen much of their reliability lately? Thanks for the response.
So I recently bought a nightvision scope for my rattler but in order to sight it in, the cross hair is low since it's so tall off the rail. Is this normal?
I got a 357 western rattler currently and have had no issues with it. I was gonna sell it to upgrade. If you guys were to upgrade from my platform to a larger caliber, what would you choose?