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    Benjamin Benjamin discovery platform forend

    I did research on the teryx chassis but it seems like either there very limited runs or the guy doesn’t make them anymore I’m not sure.
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    Benjamin Benjamin discovery platform forend

    Do you buy any chance have the oem stock for the Maximus? if so I’m interested in purchasing it if you’re willing to part ways with it I’ll pay for shipping aswell if you still have it and would like to sell that is.
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    Benjamin Benjamin discovery platform forend

    Hey I’m building a fortitude with an ar stock and 1300 series grip frame I was wondering if anyone had an old Maximus/ fortitude stock lying around for sale asI do not want to destroy my own for nostalgic reasons. If not are there any options that will cover atleast 1/2 or 2/3 ideally of the air...
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    Tuning Benjamin Fortitude .22

    So idk if this matters but I’ve been putting back together an old fortitude I’ve had in parts for five years and am doing a 1300kt lower and folding ar stock project on it but I played with the internals extensively, if you open the reg all the way and mod a marauder transfer port to fit by...
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    Aftermarket stock for Benjamin Fortitude?

    Hey I was looking around and I also found n buck rail the icon tactical chassis if ur setup doesn’t work out that could possibly be an option if you can find one there around 25 buck by the looks of it surprisingly but idk if there still in circulation or if anyone else has them
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    Aftermarket stock for Benjamin Fortitude?

    Hey man I’m actually doing this exact project putting fortitude back together that’s been in pieces for almost 10 years but anyways. What I’m doing to achieve this is using a 1300 1701 grip frame in place of the oem trigger assembly, the holes are in the same areas and will mount no problem only...
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    Benjamin Fortitude Modifications ?

    Hey, a little late to the party but I own a Fortitude and it shoots like a dream, I needed up wanting more power and bought a disco valve from hill airgun but due to lack of info on the guns internals I sadly found out the mounting hole orientation on the valve for the breech of the Fortitude...