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  1. scotton

    Time to combine Open and Hunter?

    Welp, I finally got caught up on this thread. It took me a while because I had to keep checking the date on the post, since the original post and replies look very similar to something I suggested a few months ago. I've still got the pitch marks on my butt that haven't healed. Officially, I...
  2. scotton

    Time to combine Open and Hunter?

    I don't have time to read the post right now, but the first sentence made me spit coffee. Oh, the many times I have started a post that way, just to watch the train slowly slide down the embankment. I'll read the post this afternoon, I promise to leave my pitchfork in the shed.
  3. scotton

    ASC FT Match SUNDAY Sept 29th

    Due to a work day at the club, the September Field Target match at ASC will be Sunday, the 29th not the usual 4th Saturday. If you show up on the 28th, bring a weed wacker and some painting clothes because the club will not be open for shooting. Gates will open at 7:30 for sight in and sign up...
  4. scotton

    Pyramid air cup

    Don't give me too much credit, you are more than capable of dashing your own hopes. Good luck at PAC, all of our hopes and dreams are riding on you.
  5. scotton

    Sept NRL22 Match at ASC (now official)

    The main motivations for going official are to try to attract new shooters to the PRS format and to give some shooters (mostly me) a better path to Nationals. Also, another local club is going to start doing NRL matches and we are talking about turning it into a series. I still prefer PRS...
  6. scotton

    Pyramid air cup

    Hey, Cloud, you're at the top of the WFTF PCP entries! Better take a screen shot, this will probably be the last time you see this :D
  7. scotton

    Sept NRL22 Match at ASC (now official)

    Well, we have officially signed up with the NRL, so now our monthly NRL22 matches are legit. The September course of fire will be shot at the Arlington Sportsman's Club in Mansfield TX on Sunday, September 15th. Shooter's meeting will start at 10, the gate will be open by 9 for zeroing. The...
  8. scotton

    Complete baseplate with bag.. what is a good price?

    That looks really nice. One thing to think about from an air rifle point of view: we struggle with fore-end depth. Making the plate so that the clamp can sit down in the plate would be beneficial to get the plate closer to the rail. This may not be worth the effort, but I thought I would point...
  9. scotton

    AAFTA GP course optimization

    I just wrote a long response to this, but then I realized that I don't really give a crap about GP points or National Championships anymore, But if you ever call Whittington, please record the conversation and play it back for me. I would love to hear what they think about us hosting a field...
  10. scotton

    EFT, who wants it?

    RMAC has a PRS-style match, which is way more interesting to me than a 40 shot EFT match. I don't see the incentive for them to get involved with the EFT/UFT/XFT/AFT drama.
  11. scotton

    August ASC Match report

    Sorry, I didn't answer your question. Yes, you are dumb. But at least you can count to 0. For anyone new reading this, Jeff and I are friends (and occasionally enemies). Jeff is a very good shooter, as long as he's sitting down. I am a mediocre shooter, but I'm mediocre from a variety of...
  12. scotton

    August ASC Match report

    Although, to be fair, you did come to a match once. If I would have shot that poorly, I would have wanted to shoot more matches to prove that I'm not that terrible but I guess that's just me.
  13. scotton

    August ASC Match report

    Airgun shooters are welcome at the match, but certain ones think they are too good to show up and shoot.
  14. scotton

    August ASC Match report

    That's interesting. The other clubs are a little far from Texas, but maybe in a year or two this will be a fun option. I like how they classify by skill rather than having a bunch of equipment classes.
  15. scotton

    August ASC Match report

    ASC Precision Rimfire Match Report 08/18/2024 Our August Precision Rimfire match was a great time. Not too hot, not a lot of wind, no monsoon conditions like at the July match. We had 10 shooters, including two that were new to the club but not to PRS shooting and a first time shooter, Jim L...
  16. scotton

    N/A All Hits - No Misses! Is this the future of airguns?

    Just wanted to say that this cracked me up.
  17. scotton

    AAFTA GP course optimization

    Correct. The National Champions are the class winners at the National Championship. The GP Champions are the class points winners over a number of GP matches, including the national championship. My suggestion is that we should do away with the GP points champions and just have National...
  18. scotton

    AAFTA GP course optimization

    Here's an idea (Centercut, pay attention. You are going to love this!) How about if instead of using the GP points to determine the national champion in each class, we use the National Championship to determine the national champion in each class. In order to be the class national champion, you...
  19. scotton

    AAFTA GP course optimization

    Sorry, Rich. I just realized that you said two nice things and one thing I don't agree with, so I jumped all over the thing I don't agree with. I appreciate your contribution to the discussion and I hope I didn't come off like a jerk in my response to your post.
  20. scotton

    AAFTA GP course optimization

    Consolidating Classes 1. Per Power Plant: If there are not enough shooters of a given Power Plant to create a class in any Division, for example: (Hunter Piston < quorum) AND (Open Piston < quorum) AND (WFTF Piston < quorum), the Match Director may create an overall Power Plant class (e.g., a...