Search results for query: Boyle's law

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  1. John "spysir" Blount

    250 vs. 300 Bar Bottles

    You need to figure in "Boyles law" also. John
  2. Caliber 22

    250 vs. 300 Bar Bottles

    First time I hear of it. Looked up what it is:
  3. John "spysir" Blount

    250 vs. 300 Bar Bottles

    Just for fun I just put it in the search here and : John
  4. Scotchmo

    The limiting factor

    Not sure about “maxed out by Bernoulli’s Law”, but we do work under Boyle’s Law which is still just an approximation at the relatively low pressures that airguns use, where air behaves much like an ideal gas. But once we get much above 3000psi, air becomes less “ideal”. So we are close to “maxed...
  5. J

    The limiting factor

    Mass flow limiting... Beyond my paygrade. Aside from bigger tank and longer barrel, if folks want "more" going up in caliber seems the next logical step, if keeping with hpa.
  6. LMNOP

    What is the cause of my freezing cold and dripping wet moderator after 75 shots?

    Charles and Boyles ideal gas law. Entropy exchange.
  7. Stubbers

    Brain teaser for any math wizards

    What is FPV? This is Boyles law "For a fixed mass of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional" I mistook it for a derivative of Bernoulli's principle earlier, but its actually Boyles law.
  8. R

    The Next Breakthrough in airguns

    I had a Huben hand pump, it would do 5000 psi.
  9. LMNOP

    Cylinder pressure drop due to cooling

    Physics 101 - Charles Law and Boyles Law. What you observe is normal so you can smile :) I have a very small tank I use and put it in the freezer before transfer filling from the larger donor tank.
  10. weevil

    The Next Breakthrough in airguns

    There is also a Z factor in the equation to account for variation in temperature and pressure: Practically speaking, at the temperature we operate at, air is 3% less compressible at 200 bar, but that rises to 10% at 300 bar and 14% at...
  11. qball

    The Next Breakthrough in airguns

    Gotta love nerdy threads like this. According to Boyle's Law the equation to get the volume of air it seems to be linear based on pressure. Volume of free gas in a Storage Volume The amount of free gas at atmospheric pressure in a given volume - like a cylinder storage - can be calculated my...
  12. R

    How do I calculate how much air is in a plenum?

    Here’s a link. In the INITIAL VOLUMES and FINAL VOLUME boxes, touch the blue letters to find the description like cc’s psi etc.
  13. markhooper

    The Next Breakthrough in airguns

    I think my Omega trail charger will do 4500, as I fill one of my guns to 4300 max.. but I'm not sure I'd want to try 5000 as it's close to the top end of the gauge.. it's been a great compressor for 8 years and unless I know for sure from someone else, I don't think I'd risk the compressor.. it...
  14. LMNOP

    Can one large air tank fill a small air tank

    I fill a small tank all the time from a SCBA tank. I am talking a tank so small it could be on a bottle gun. Put the small tank in the freezer first. Boyles and Charles law applies here. Same principle as filling 1# propane tanks from a 20# tank.
  15. LMNOP

    Bottle to recharge PCP

    I have a 90cu-in Ninja tank and it can refill my Notos a ton of times from 4500 PSI. Anything above 90cu-in and you will be fine. I even have a tiny .5L (30.5 cu-in) pony bottle and get about 5 fills on my Notos. For the pony tanks leave then in a deep freezer to get a full 4500 PSI. Boyles...
  16. LMNOP

    Notos losing some psi between shoot sessions

    Small air cylinder with temperature swings equals big pressure change. Larger cylinder with same temperature changes equals small pressure change. Boyles and Charles law — smaller cylinder means less volume. I own a Notos and the above math checks out :)
  17. outdooorgb

    How a Regulator Works (detailed video)

    Yes... and when I got into work this morning (I thought about it all through shower and drive in) I searched some sources. I believe it is Boyle's law. The left side of the pic above is a smaller reservoir and as such will have higher pressure (closing the piston against the seal) than the...
  18. Centercut

    250 vs 300 bottle and shot count

    Bingo. In the 150cc to 100cc differential question it certainly won’t be 50%. More like 25% if that.
  19. Perle

    Notos losing some psi between shoot sessions

    I want to believe this. unless others confirm theirs are doing the same …. It doesn’t make sense. ( it’s a 15 degree flux ). Just like Boostcreep said … non of my other PCPs lose a drop it seems.
  20. ChRiSiS

    250 vs 300 bottle and shot count

    This is not quite true. You will get a higher shot count, but it will not be the same as the difference in the pressure available (150 compared to 100 Bar). I have long since forgotten the exact law involved (I think it’s Boyles Law) but the bottom line is that you lose a little efficiency going...