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  • Users: Rawroots
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Rawroots

    Boring and cold

    Boring and cold here in michigan, was walking from window to window day dreaming of springtime weather, spotted this owl , thought you guys may appreciate.
  2. Rawroots

    Retrieving Frenchi

    I just had to brag up my lap dog Luna, she had brought the last 3 chipmunks i shot out of the brush, and dropped them at my feet, never in my 67 years had a dog that would do that.
  3. Rawroots

    Dead Chicken

    I don't know what happens when chickens find pellets, but i just found out what happens when they swallow empty 22lr casings, dead chicken. Now i guess i should look for a used metal detector, do they work on brass???
  4. Rawroots

    Good Humor, what have you got.

    Just heard this one, Shooting the balls off a humming bird.
  5. Rawroots

    Best no cost upgrade

    I have some good working inexpensive scopes that needs a tool to adjust, i also have some scopes that have been destroyed or fogged or don't hold zero, and have adjustable turrents without needing a screw driver or coin, so a two minute job swapping the turrents will put a smile on your face...
  6. Rawroots

    Identical Crosman Icons

    Just goes to show it's the barrel that chooses the ammo, not the gun, this winter i couldn't pass up 130$ pcp, bought two. Found the best ammo both shoot at 37 yards and these are the ones that work one inch or smaller groups.
  7. Rawroots

    Barrel support ?

    One of the ways i use to determine if a barrel support $ would be worth the trouble.
  8. Rawroots

    Can someone help please

    I can't hit the bullseye can you help me.
  9. Rawroots

    Gamo Piston seal question

    My gamo break barrel is only shooting 450 fps, so i took apart my first break barrel, thinking I'd find a scored up piston seal but it is smooth but seems very hard plastic, normal ? I don't know . Years ago we softened r/c car part by boiling them in water, has anybody had success doing this...
  10. Rawroots

    Did you mention tinker minded ?

    Pics. Better than words.
  11. Rawroots

    Thank you moderators

    Thanks for leaving ww3 thread open as long as you did, being a son of a barber some of dads way of striking up a conversation rubbed off and was entertaining for myself and hopefully others.
  12. Rawroots

    With world war 3 heating up

    With WW3 well on its way, what are you air gunners doing with savings that will soon evaporate, gold, silver, property, bitcoin, air rifles, ammunition, canned goods or prayer only.
  13. Rawroots

    Anybody else organizing lately?

  14. Rawroots

    Purpose of rifle crown

  15. Rawroots

    World upside down

    Unusual politics, weather, behavior, beliefs, right is wrong and wrong is right, In my lifetime of 67 years i have never seen more than one buck every five years, last evening wife and i saw 6 in one field and 1/2 mile further 4 more, we got this pic of second group, you'll have to expand pic...
  16. Rawroots

    Notos rotary clip

    I believe this is why notos has jamming problems, the probe pulls next pellet half way out.
  17. Rawroots

    Notos leak

    Has anybody had their notos apart to let me know easiest way to fix this leak.
  18. Rawroots

    Summer tax bill

    Doesn't the township know us air gunners have better ways of spending our money. Summer tax bill
  19. Rawroots

    Angle of the dangle

    Question, one of my break barrel rifles shoots accurate at distance scope is adjusted to, but if scoped for 15 yards it will shoot 12 inches to right at 40 yards, barrel is not aligned with the rest of rifle right ????
  20. Rawroots

    Notos trigger

    Nice little gun, but trigger pull was tuff, figured future trigger work like most others, then i was ordering some pellets from PA and i asked the man if he liked the notos and he said he also bought one, i commented on stiff trigger and he asked if i tried adjusting it yet, thinking it wouldn't...