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  • Users: beerthief
  • Content: Threads
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  1. beerthief

    Air Arms Huntsman R

    nice Huntsman R .177 just in the classifieds if it was a bolt action i would be interested but it's a side cocker . oh well .
  2. beerthief

    old lyman scope

    Anyone have a working knowledge of these old scopes ? Interested in the close focus ?
  3. beerthief

    Ebay prices

    WoW i just looked at a bunch of Air gun for sale sites and it got the impression everybody is using E-Bay to price their used guns .
  4. beerthief

    RR containers

    4 40 foot containers = 160 feet end to end , or a 50 yard indoor range with 10 feet shooting stand room . 2025 avg . cost per /delivered = $1500 (x4 = $6000 ! 6K for an indoor 50 yard range , nice ! Never get past my wife but interesting . maybe if we lived on a farm with a mound /...
  5. beerthief

    RAW Rapid still in deep ----

    Got the "I WANT's " RAW pistol in .20 with a tube not a bottle . (preferably the same air tube Morini uses ) And i am only 1.5 hours drive away from Martin's place.
  6. beerthief

    FWB FWB 65

    Just shot my new to me FWB65 ! Very interesting to shoot . I will post pictures as soon as i get this Da%% windows 11 working so i can take pictures with web cam . Stan in KY
  7. beerthief

    3 more

    Squirrels and my bird feeder just do not mix ! today i set up on the screen porch . A tall table sits about 25 feet back from the door and about the half way point through the porch . I lock the door open and stand at the table , perfect 19 yard shot . I was set up about 7 AM and put out a...
  8. beerthief

    HW/Weihrauch tuning

    Anyone tuned a HW 45 pistol ? I was reading about compression tube size and stroke and this thought just occurred to me . thanks Stan in KY .
  9. beerthief

    HW/Weihrauch HW75 Stock options

    found this 4 minutes and 6 minutes in
  10. beerthief

    anyone else get the Buckrail / natecrony Marraige ?

    they just combined their two products , WAHOO !! should be Email in the title
  11. beerthief

    Diana Diana 6

    Shot this Diana 6 today . Indoor target 23 feet , a bit stiff to cock but what a shooter ! (maybe build some sort of rest with a hydraulic ram to jack that barrel ?)
  12. beerthief

    Traditional Pistol FWB

    FWB SSP pistol
  13. beerthief

    Air Gun Shows 2025

    This is to ALL 2025 Air Gun Show hosts ! big or small . PLEASE PUT AN ANOUNCEMT HERE ON AGN , NOW IF POSSIBLE . Thank you Stan in KY .
  14. beerthief

    HW/Weihrauch Question for the builders here

    I made a suggestion to a guy with a bad barrel ? any way i suggested to buy an LW barrel and replace the HW barrel by removing the HW from the breach block and machine the LW barrel to fit . Now thinking about it , can that be done ? maybe drilling the HW barrel out of the block using a...
  15. beerthief

    laser cutting ? (moved from target challenges )

    can this be copied with a laser cutter ? Maybe something better ?
  16. beerthief

    laser cutting

    can this be copied with a laser cutter ?Maybe something better ?
  17. beerthief

    Yucky weather

    (yes yucky is a technical term ) Next 24 hours is freezing rain snow mix and 10 to 15 mph winds ! Doesn't look like much accumulation but still yucky ! Another odd thing is after 5 pm the temps will rise to 47 @ midnight ??? then back down for snow flurries in the AM Stan in KY
  18. beerthief

    Traditional Pistol deleated

    canceled .
  19. beerthief

    Happy New Year

  20. beerthief

    N/A Artemis PP700s-a

    has anyone turned this pistol down FPE /FPS and how low can it go ? looking to tune down to 10 FPE or a little less ?