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    PCP Rifle .30cal FX Dream Tact NIB

    FX Dream Tac. Never used, in factory condition. Does not come with butt stock. $1050 firm with shipping, US only. Payment options to be discussed at time of purchase.

    Events Mass Rifle Association Field Target Match. Saturday March 29

    Hail Spring Weather! The course is snow free for the first time in three months. So come enjoy an proper spring match match at Mass Rifle Association. Match format will be either 1 shot per target, or two. How many shots for the match? If wanted, it can be 200, though 80 or less is more...

    Events Mass Rifle Association Field Target Match. February 22

    It's that time of year again for us to don our electric socks and wool caps to knock down some targets. The match will be on Saturday, February 22nd. Sight-in opens at 9am, though help before hand to set up is always appreciated. The format is: 20fpe max. 2 shots per target, 15 lanes for those...

    Events Mass Rifle FT Match Saturday, January 25th

    It's that time of year again for us to don our electric socks and wool caps to knock down some targets. The match will be on Saturday,January 25th. Sight-in opens at 9am, though help beforehand to set up is always appreciated. The format is: 20fpe max. 2 shots per target, 15 lanes for those who...

    Events Mass Rifle after Christmas shoot Dec 28th

    It's that time of year again for us to don our electric socks and wool caps to knock down some targets. The match will be on Saturday, December 28th. Sight-in opens at 9am, though help beforehand to set up is always appreciated. The format is: 20fpe max. 2 shots per target, 15 lanes for those...

    Events MRA FT pop-up match. 09/19/2024

    Hey folks, I'll be hosting a quick, 40 shot afternoon match today at Mass Rifle Association. Start time is 5:45. No sight in, 20fpe limit. You will shoot 10 lanes, 2 shots per target. I will be hosting these pup-up matches every week from now up to Worlds in November. They will be run on...

    Events Mass Rifle NEFTL Tournement. Sat June 29th

    Mass Rifle will be hosting it's League Tournement on June 29th. It will be a 15 lane, 60 shot match. It will follow aafta rules and classes. Sight in starts at 8AM, Shooters meeting at 9:30. Here is the club website for directions. The weather looks great.

    Re-Design FT: Make it easier for MD's

    How can we make it easier to hold a Field Target match? As always there are threads about changing the game, which would inevitably add cost, and time for those of us who host events. So I ask, from shooters and match directs, how do we make holding matches easier for match directors? I will...

    Results Mass Rifle FT match. Saturday 05/25

    Our monthly match is Saturday, May 25th. Sight in starts at 8, Match starts at 9:30. Classes are for school, just keep it under 20fpe. We'll continue using the WFTC format of one shot per target, two targets per lane for a 50 shot match. After the match Leo and I will be staying behind to cut...

    Practice, Training and attending matches

    For practice, I have the luxury of my home course being 10min away. I also belong to the gun club it's built on so I can shoot there most any time of the week from first light to dark. It's nice to work on my routine, tweak my position and anything else I'd like to try. For training, I follow...

    Events 2024 AAFTA National's Registration

    We are happy to announce that Mass Rifle Association will be hosting the 2024 AAFTA Nationals. The match will be held from October 18-20. The pistol ft match will be held Friday afternoon, with the rifle match to follow. This year we are doing things a bit different from...

    Events Mass Rifle FT Club Monthly Match, March 30

    Our monthly match is Saturday, March 30th. Sight in starts at 9, Match starts when Leo is ready. Classes are for school, just keep it under 20fpe. We'll continue using the WFTC format of one shot per target, two targets per lane for a 50 shot match. After the match Leo and I will be staying...

    NAC new targets and first practice card

    Today I had the chance to test the new targets being used for NAC. They changed the paper the be more resiliant to moisture, and are using yellow bulls instead of blue. After some sight in I started plugging along, interested more in the targets visibility, how it cut, and how well it took a...

    Results Mass Rifle FT Match Saturday 02/24

    This Saturday's match is a go. Sight in starts at 9, Match starts when Leo is ready. Classes are for school, just keep it under 20fpe. We'll continue using the WFTC format of one shot per target, two targets per lane for a 50 shot match. After the match Leo and I will be staying behind to cut...

    Results Mass Rifle FT Match, 01/27

    This Saturday's match is a go. Sight in starts at 9, Match starts when Leo is ready. Classes are for school, just keep it under 20fpe. We'll continue using the WFTC format of one shot per target, two targets per lane for a 50 shot match. After the match Leo and I will be staying behind to cut...

    Events Mass Rifle, Dec 30th FT Match

    December 30th we will be holding our monthly match. Same format as last month, described below. Sight in is at 8:30/9:00, match start at 10. Now the fun part. The match will be a 25 lane, 50 shot match. So one shot per target, with 2 targets per lane. All other aafta rulez, and classes apply...

    Events 2024 AAFTA Nationals, October 18-20

    Hello all, this post has been started to keep those interested, up to date about the 2024 AAFTA Nationals. It will be held at the Mass Rifle Association in Woburn, Massachusetts. That's all for now but be sure to check back from time to time for updates. John

    Happy Thanksgiving from MRA FT

    I hope everyone has a great day. John and Matt

    Results Mass Rifle Ass, After Turkey Shoot. November 25, 2023 Match Report

    November 25th we will be holding our monthly match. Same format as last month, described below. Sight in is at 8:30/9:00, match start at 10. Now the fun part. The match will be a 25 lane, 50 shot match. So one shot per target, with 2 targets per lane. All other aafta rulez, ans classes apply...

    Mass Rifle Association, Ma States Match Oct 28th!

    This upcoming Saturday, October 28th will be the Massachusetts States Field Target Match. Sight in is at 9, match start at 10. Now the fun part. The match will be a 25 lane, 50 shot match. So one shot per target, with 2 targets per lane. All other aafta rulez, ans classes apply. I'm working...