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  • Users: Heyboy
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Heyboy

    Huben is cleaning up the squirrel!!

    Got two squirrels in the last week. 1st at 24 yards and today I got one at 58.5 yards offhand! It took two shots but the second one dropped him and I had to track him like 20 yards. A blood trail that Stevie Wonder could follow.
  2. Heyboy

    PCP Rifle Air Arms S300 .22

    Looking to sell an air arms S300, I just got the gun back from Airgunwerks where a Match Master Tune, seal kit and trigger tune were done. It also has a foster fitting for filling. It shoots amazing. Gun only has minimal handling marks and a few tiny scratches. Gun is sweet! $500 shipped conus...
  3. Heyboy

    PCP Rifle .30 Skout Epoch PRICE DROP

    Selling my .30 Epoch set up for BR. I am interested in FT more at this point and playing with old springers. I haven’t shot it in several months. It has 6 barrel liners. Three 25” and three 35”. The “negative” liners are the only ones that I have used. It shoots Zan 30 BRs at 950 fps VERY WELL...
  4. Heyboy

    Optics Price drop Nightforce FT 36x Scope for sale

    For sale an original Nightforce FIELD TARGET 36x scope. 1/8 MOA adjustment. Has sunshade and illumination works perfect. Has slight ring marks on it from rear ring in its past. I just sent it out to nightforce and got it back with a clean bill of health with a new QC sticker. $1000 plus...
  5. Heyboy

    Another starling, this one with GK1 .22

    Nailed this one at 35 yards off the top of my barn. 25 gr Edgun pellets at around 900 fps. This .22 hits soooo hard!!
  6. Heyboy

    Starling with the M16A

    Got an actual starling in the barnyard, lol. Chip shot at 20 yards.
  7. Heyboy

    Pulsar XL50 on my Leshiy 2 .22cal

    Got the Pulsar ballistic app figured out and uploaded my .22 Leshiy 2 ballistics on my thermion XL50, WOW is all I can say. Just been playing around and getting used to running the new thermal. I have a Talion still and like it a lot but this is another level or three….
  8. Heyboy

    Starling with GK1

    Nailed a”Not starling” at 20 yards, but it wasn’t a killing shot. It fluttered to 40 yards away where I got it with the second shot. Tough bird, the .22 25 grain hit hard at 875 fps!!
  9. Heyboy

    Traditional Rifle Want to buy or trade for Diana/RWS 56 th

    Want to buy an RWS 56 TH. $600-750 depending on condition. I also have several other classic springers I would consider trading for it: FWB 65 JR BSF 70 deluxe FWB 124 BEEMAN R1 AA S300 just resealed by Airgunwerx Just to name a few
  10. Heyboy

    Starling with “ole faithful” (Artemis M16A)

    I nailed this starling tonight at 50 yards or so in high wind. Had to hold half a mil. I had to chase it down to finish it off but these things happen. To bad these birds are so destructive and make a mess out of everything. They are kinda beautiful. I really love this Artemis M16A .22 cal...
  11. Heyboy

    Compressors JTS air compressor AC/DC price drop

    I bought this AC/DC JTS 4500 psi air compressor last year when I got my first pcp airgun. I’ve since bought a Daystate compressor and a tank and this is just sitting around gathering dust. I used it maybe a month. I have all the tools and replacement parts that came with it. $375, includes...
  12. Heyboy

    Other Help with Korean air rifle A.R.S. Magnum 6 .22

    Hey all. A friend of mine who is an firearms ( not to mention airguns) dealer specializing mostly in antiques and hard to find parts gave me this Korean PCP to see if I could figure out if it works and holds air. I can’t seem to find any information on this particular model. Any help would be...
  13. Heyboy

    Thermal on .22 Leshiy 2 works on red fox

    Put the Talion on the Leshiy 2 when I take my dog out. There’s always something running around in the pasture. Put a 22 grain Zan slug in its head at 85 yards. He dropped right there! Got it on video through the thermal too. I didn’t forget about the record button, lol!
  14. Heyboy

    EVOL gets another Crow

    Shot this crow at 109 yards out hay mow doors left handed. Set up a crow decoy and my foxpro out in the pasture, called in a murder. 44 grain Hades sacked him good but he needed a follow up. My plenum came and once I use up the hades I’m going to set it up for 68 grn slugs from an NOE mold. It...
  15. Heyboy

    Found some nice old NF and leupold FT scopes

    Just came across an old Nightforce 36x56 FT scope and a “boosted” leupold 14.5x35. The reticle in the leupold it cool, super fine crosshairs with a dot in the and 4 dots an equal distance from the center one above, below, left and right. The Nightforce also has an interesting type crosshair with...
  16. Heyboy

    Leshiy 2 got another crow

    Just put a .22 cal 450mm alpha barrel on my L2. At 155bar setting it is 975fps with Zan 22 grain slugs. This was a 40 yard shot and dropped like a stone hit at the base of the skull.
  17. Heyboy

    Another beautiful evening in the squirrel woods

    Got 3 more bushy tails after work with my L2. Head, neck and lungs. These .22 cal 22 grain Zans are performing well. This is the first time out with the new March 3-24x42. It performed well right up till shooting g hours were done. It’s much nicer than the Trijicon 4-16 Accupoint to carry. I...
  18. Heyboy

    1st day of squirrel season in PA, .22 cal Leshiy 2 performed great.

    Got to go out behind the house for and hour this morning after the rain quit. Shot this red through the eyes with a Zan 22grn slug at 30 yards. I’m really impressed by how well these slugs work in the Leshiy. They’re about as loud as the report of the rifle when they hit.
  19. Heyboy

    1st day of squirrel season in PA, .22 cal Leshiy 2 performed great.

    Got to go out behind the house for and hour this morning after the rain quit. Shot this red through the eyes with a Zan 22grn slug at 30 yards. I’m really impressed by how well these slugs work in the Leshiy. They’re about as loud or louder actually as the report of the rifle when they hit.
  20. Heyboy

    Got another crow, this one with my new Leshiy 2 .22cal

    Got this guy on lunch break today, there were 4 out in the hayfield next to my house 70-80 yards out. The 3 that flew off were smart…. This one kept ducking and looking. I snuck up to the hedge row keeping a big maple in line with him. With a .22 grn Zan slug at 850fps chair gun said a 2 mil...