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  • Users: Quad82
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Quad82

    Bunny hunting with the .72 Harpoon

    14* and windy this morning. But we got a new inch of snow. So I decided to do a little bunny hunting with the Harpoon. I made up a 1/2 dozen loads of 3/4oz TSS #7 and headed to the woods. Was nice to be able to just walk and hunt without having to be quit deer hunting. I got a 11 point the...
  2. Quad82

    .72 AEA 12 ga Harpoon shot shells

    I have been making my own 3D .50 cal shot shell capsules for my Wingshots for over a year. But now I have a .72 cal AEA Harpoon and need shot capsules for it. Instead of making my own 3D or paying $1+ for them on line, I came up with a solution that anyone can make and shoot for less than 3...
  3. Quad82


    A shout out to Sideways1 on a perfect transaction. After an 8 hour round-trip, I picked up a perfect condition Doubleshot shotgun. It was just as his pictures described! Thanks!!!
  4. Quad82

    TSS #9 shot

    Didn’t get a picture or save the paper target today. But I did get to do some testing with my new to me Seneca Doubleshot. Picked up some #9 TSS shot. It takes this shotgun to another level. You get about 90 #6 lead shot BBS for 177 gn in a capsule. and I get 250 of the #9 TSS BBs for 300 gn in...
  5. Quad82

    Vevor 4500 compressor

    I just got a Vevor compressor a couple weeks ago. Being out of work for a few weeks, my tanks were getting pretty low. So I tried to fry this $160 plus change unit. So far, I have filled 13 different rifles and pistols at least once as they have been sitting in the gun case. Most empty from...
  6. Quad82

    Air Venturi Where To Look For Air Venturi Wingshot Parts

    I am looking for a supplier for an Air Venturi Wingshot shotgun parts. I picked up a used single tube Wingshot that the PO got water in the air tube. It rusted the air tube and fill plug threads together and started leaking. He stripped the threads on the plug while trying to take it out. The...
  7. Quad82

    PCP Rifle WTB air shotgun FOUND

    Looking for a PBBA 20 preferably. But would also be interested in a Wingshot ll or Doubleshot. I have the original Wingshot and want to give it to my son. Then get another shotgun for myself so we both have air shotguns for bunny hunting. Doesn’t have to be in NEW condition. Thanks Darrell
  8. Quad82

    .25 Wildcat MKlll tubed general maintenance

    I plan on pulling the barrel and doing a good cleaning and breech oring replacement. Haven’t done either in the last couple thousand shots. Accuracy is still spot on but I thought I felt a little air from the breech area. It passes the tissue test. So maybe I am just feeling a little vibration...
  9. Quad82

    Learning curve BAR/PSI

    Changed to a new digital gauge on my rifle today. I am so use to reading in PSI. Now I am training myself on converting to BAR. Doing pretty good so far. I have the wife showing me flash cards! Ha Ha. Have to admit, sure is easier reading lit digits then trying to decifer between tiny PSI lines. 
  10. Quad82

    Score 60 min CF tank

    Picked up a very nice shape ISI 4500 60 min tank set-up today off a local Craig’s List seller. Came with the case tank, frame, mask, regs and hoses. Not sure what I will do with all the accessories other than the case. It was a spare tank kit. I don’t think it was ever in service. Not a mark on...
  11. Quad82

    Tuning AEA Challenger .45 pup air gauge.

    Looking to purchase a new 5000 or 6000 psi Air tube gauge for my Challenger. I believe it’s a 28 mm gauge. The stock one is off by 300 to 400 psi. I ink marked a line at 3000 psi for reference while hooked to my fill station using 4” wika gauges. But I want to buy a better gauge that I can read...
  12. Quad82

    Love the fresh snow

    Went hunting at our family farm this morning. It was 3* and mostly cloudy with no wind. My intention was to yote hunt till just after daylight. Then head for the Oaks to bag a couple squirrels. Had 2 dogs come in about 60 yards. But they came in behind me and I didn’t dare move to make a shot...
  13. Quad82

    Feedback MosesM is awsome

    I bought a Shoe Box from him. He had it boxed and shipped to me in 3 days. He even waited for me to receive and check it out before paying. About as trusting a person you could ever deal with. Darrell
  14. Quad82

    [WTB] Shoe Box Compressors

    I buy broken Shoe Box Compressors. I call it my Shoe Box Junkyard. MAXX, F-8 and F-10. Depending on $$$ and shipping, I sometimes have the seller cut the motor off the case. A lot lighter and cheaper to ship. Plus I have yet to come across a bad motor. I can also drive some. I do not sell or...
  15. Quad82

    [WTB] .457 HP mould

    Looking for a 250 to 290 grain HP mold in .458 or .459. 
  16. Quad82

    Another squirrel limit today

    Had another cool day today. Got a limit of squirrels this morning. It was 3* at daylight and the squirrels were moving everywhere. Didn’t even make it into the woods and shot two on the edge of the corn field out of a big oak. The creek was mostly frozen over and squirrels were walking out on...
  17. Quad82

    [WTB] .457 mold 220 to 280 gn hp

    Looking for a mold for .457 grain hp slugs. Will consider round nose mold also. Anything from .457 to .459 will work. Thanks Darrell
  18. Quad82

    Wingshot and Rabbits

    Had fun after work tonight. A couple inches of new snow and the wind laid down. Took the Wingshot back bunny hunting. I seen several and tagged 3. That thing is a blast to shoot. Not much in the way of a shotgun for power. But it’s great for bunnies or red squirrels under 25 yards. I wouldn’t...
  19. Quad82

    Feedback Gvern —— Just Too Cool

    Bought his AEA .45 Challenger on Tuesday. It arrived here on Friday. Christmas Eve no less! Perfect transaction all the way around. Scoped it and sighted it in at 50. Forget the friends and family tonight. I am going deer hunting!
  20. Quad82

    [WTB] FX Wildcat MKlll stock

    Looking for a used wood or plastic stock. Any condition will work.