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  1. John "spysir" Blount

    Searching for repairs

    Might be worth calling: John
  2. John "spysir" Blount

    Buy once, cry once.

    Agree (but would add something custom from Martin) is fairly complete "buy once" list. Before the "influences" ruled thought (critical thinking) pretty much everyone on an airgun forum recommended new people start with something simple with good support, OR get hands on experience 1st then...
  3. John "spysir" Blount

    Pantera Trigger

    I did not watch this but there are lot's of others also might help. duckduckgo "FX Panthera Trigger" . Naturally still no two stage trigger but the old "QB plunger mod" does make for a decent (better than most really need) trigger. John
  4. John "spysir" Blount

    Field Target club in Iowa

    NRA used to be the way to git insurance. nJohn
  5. John "spysir" Blount

    N/A 55-60fpe compact .22

    Airforce Escape UL. John
  6. John "spysir" Blount

    Bent my Alpha Wolf barrel 🥺/ UPDATED 😁

    Surprised no one put up a picture of the FWB/Beeman pistol. Kid's these days. John
  7. John "spysir" Blount

    Nicolas "The Reaper" Irving Has His Son at the Range and Guess What He's Shooting?

    Fun. And have done this myself with a child that age & size BUT really think safety 1st should be number one. Sure it will be a while before the child is coking their own springer but (IMO) never show a child the wrong way to do something esp. starting out. John
  8. John "spysir" Blount

    Benjamin Unhappy with de-pinger for .22 Benjamin Marauder air rifle

    Well.............. De-pingers were popular BEFORE they came with ...................... de-pingers. Just a wild guess that mat be your problem. John
  9. John "spysir" Blount

    HW/Weihrauch How hard is it to make your own stock?

    Baltic Birch Plywood (normally a 5'x5') which will need a lay up is likely one of the best to learn on? Even better than a pine 2/6 and pocket knife. John
  10. John "spysir" Blount

    Results 2024 Tennessee State Championships - Invicta FTC (Minor Hill, TN)

    Appreciate your sharing this post! Just the best bunch of folks. How many have heard David's original 101 F.T. excuse list? Mentioned during site in I made the mistake of asking on the course. Poor breathing and tears rolling down you face whilst grinning takes a toll on your score. Or so...
  11. John "spysir" Blount

    N/A Bottle hawk armory scam?

    Stick with known folks, perhaps even airgun dealers even if it does cost $20.00 more. After reading: LOL John
  12. John "spysir" Blount

    Hamster chasing the stripper

    Good deal. However itnt it some violation of protocol to not post pics of at least the Rowan stripper and what you be trying it on? John
  13. John "spysir" Blount

    Umarex Talk me out of a Umarex Gauntlet 2 sl30

    If they would have kept the rock crusher bolt I might have purchased a .30. John
  14. John "spysir" Blount

    Results Invicta FTC (Minor Hill, TN) Oct 12th 2024 Match Results

    Ya buddy you DO need to make a match! And dint you have a theoben rammed Lightning back in time a little? John
  15. John "spysir" Blount

    Umarex Zelos repair

    Did you try a drop (2) of silicone oil? Or take apart clean perhaps a new seal (likely an o-ring, I've not seen one) as well. And if nothing else you will have it off for measurement. Personally would certainly try fixing it 1st, just a speak of anything can cause issues. John
  16. John "spysir" Blount

    As a dealer I want tell you the biggest hurdle people have with PCP's

    They actually have a lot more shtuff I didn't take pics of. Jennen's Backwoods : And if passing through feel free to shoot us a PM. I really dont shoot...
  17. John "spysir" Blount

    RAW Rapid Raw hm1000x modifying the valve

    Do try search for raw peek. Lot's of hits. John
  18. John "spysir" Blount

    As a dealer I want tell you the biggest hurdle people have with PCP's

    Our local store in Colville WA sells (well) used in cert scba and has a decent enough compressor to fill a single Large 6,000psi tank and sure enough has a but one here get ??? fills. Also had a new tiny little compressor and a larger maybe $1,000 compressor as well as 1-2 on commission units...
  19. John "spysir" Blount

    Hand pumps

    "Backup" so you have something, nice. Have a 9-10 year old "Vevor" (black in color) still going strong, still have the rebuild kit it came with. Naturally QC can change but having purchased the 1st hill (pos ! but they did improve) when released - freedom from suba tanks amazing. Owned the...
  20. John "spysir" Blount

    N/A anyone have leads on US vendors carrying huggett snipe?

    According to Huggett : Jhn