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  1. M

    Benjamin Fortitude Modifications ?

    Will, your positive review of the Benjamin Fortitude is very encouraging to read. My mind is made up to buy one of these lightweight hunting air rifles, but I might still bide my time and wait to see if any after-market mods appear, that will boost the muzzle velocity from the mid 700 fps to...
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    Benjamin Fortitude Modifications ?

    Hello Coldair, and thanks for weighing in with your thoughts about the trade-offs an air rifle buyer needs to keep in mind when considering a new purchase. I do agree with you that the wisest option would be to patiently sit tight and wait while Crosman/Benjamin resolve the known bugs users...
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    Benjamin Fortitude Modifications ?

    Thanks for this response Eaglehorn. Despite watching a few youtube videos on the subject, I don't think I could personally carry out DIY modifications an airgun with any degree of confidence, so I am hoping to find an air rifle upgrade company online, that carry out the few key refinements that...
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    Benjamin Fortitude Modifications ?

    Hello sirs. This is my first post, and indeed my foray into the world of modern air rifles only started up a couple of months ago, when I bought a Gamo Swarm Maxxim 10-shot break-barrel, gas-piston repeater in 22 caliber. Back in my youth I hunted squirrels with an old Diana .22 break-barrel...