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  1. D

    Can’t Get To Guns !!

    blackdog899, you just need a mini pellet trap for the bedroom! I made mine complete with a little spinner! I don’t have a wife so I never get any complaints. Edit: That hole above the trap was because of a strong updraft coming from the bathroom!
  2. D

    .177 pcp card cutting accuracy pistol??

    Good job Dan, I knew you would be cutting those cards! One thing you might want to try is to shoot off of two bags like my friend is doing in the picture. I like to use the taller bag in front and then a small squeeze bag in the back with the bottom of the pistol grip bedded solidly on the small...
  3. D

    .177 pcp card cutting accuracy pistol??

    Yes definitely I agree with the 1701 being capable of cutting cards at 30 feet. They are fantastic little pistols and the trigger is very nice too.
  4. D

    Tuning Would a tank enjoy a depinger, or only cylinders?

    The full shroud gathers the blast of air from the shot and then lets it slowly escape through little holes in the bottom rear of the shroud. It looks like the Kratos has a full shroud I should have checked that out before answering your question!
  5. D

    Tuning Would a tank enjoy a depinger, or only cylinders?

    Maybe look into a full shroud, this Theoben rapid .20 caliber has a shroud that Allen Zasadney made and installed. It’s incredibly quiet. Wouldn’t get rid of a ping I don’t think. But it’s my quietest rifle!
  6. D

    Feet posted in photos of Airguns.

    Aw come on, you just don’t like bananas or honey or parsley flakes!😂
  7. D

    Feet posted in photos of Airguns.

    This right here is one of my favorite pistols!
  8. D

    Daystate Peppermint explosion

    That was definitely SWEET!
  9. D

    A HUGE THANK YOU Dr. Mike!!

    That really sucks, the good folks here will help out! I don’t have any guns to donate, but I’ll make him a mini “know your limits” spinner target like in the picture. Please let me know where to send it. Edit: It’s set up with two cards to cut, and toothpicks, and there’s a bell behind the three...
  10. D

    JSB KnockOut mk1 10gr 177 wow

    Yes for sure, they are devastating on chipmunks and other pests. You can see the expansion in the photos in the earlier post, and the results of that expansion on the chipmunk! The mushroomed slugs were shot into wet paper. The .177 slugs mushroomed to about the same size as the .22 slugs did...
  11. D

    JSB KnockOut mk1 10gr 177 wow

    Those are the 13.43 knockout slugs, I’m shooting them at about 1020 fps. My RedWolf doesn’t shoot the 10 grain slugs nearly as accurately as the 13.43’s.
  12. D

    N/A Where to begin

    This post is why I even mentioned high end rifles. As far as low end rifles go the Avenge X is a very accurate rifle. AZ has worked on plenty of them and told me the accuracy in .22 caliber is pretty incredible. He’s so impressed by them that he’s going to get one for himself and that’s saying...
  13. D

    N/A Where to begin

    He’s actually very reasonable in price! I can’t say what he charges now for his custom shroud and a tune, but he sold me this awesome Theoben rapid .20 caliber with his shroud for $1600 several years ago. Couldn’t hurt to give him a call! He’s really busy building a house and shop, but he also...
  14. D

    N/A Where to begin

    I would definitely reach out to Allen immediately and ask if he has anything for sale! I have five rifles that he has built and they are all spectacular. As dgeesaman said he is a wealth of information, and right next door to you! Here’s the number for instant gratification lol! 319-327-4303
  15. D

    N/A What is the most accurate.177 PCP at 100yds all opinions welcome???

    Here’s two five shot groups at 130 yards using knockout 13.43 grain slugs at 1000 fps out of my RedWolf HP .177, it’s incredibly accurate with those slugs. The bunch of shots on the disk is at 100 yards, same rifle and slug. The second group would have been a personal best if the last shot...
  16. D

    RAW Rapid AZ tuned Rapid .20 going bear hunting...

    Oakhonor must know what he’s talking about, so it looks like you got mauled Tommy 😂. It would definitely be a good idea to look into where vitals are before hunting the real thing lol!
  17. D

    RAW Rapid AZ tuned Rapid .20 going bear hunting...

    He’s still heart/lung shot Tommy! Unless you’re talking about kneecapping him lol!
  18. D

    Tarantulas, tiny Kill Zones, and the DRS

    Spiders are good to have around for sure! Here’s a wolf spider that was in the garden I was weeding. And a super cool jumping spider
  19. D

    Unwlecome pellet sorting

    You forgot to include his walker! He had a bullseye in him, but he needed the walker!!
  20. D

    Shooting Northern Lights

    Very nice photo of the northern lights! Got to see them here too! It was awesome.