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  1. beerthief

    What springer did you shoot today?

    10 seats WOW ( if you install them at the other end of your porch you could have your own cheering section . You would need to supply beer , imported hot dogs from Chicago and in the shell salted peanuts .
  2. beerthief

    What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

    Just got the Email saying my Sheridan's are on the way and a Tracking Number so i can track it any time i want / and however many times i want 24/7 😊
  3. beerthief

    What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

    their was just a thread about making the block the sight sits in / on maybe a week ago ? It was about fitting a missing sight to a 777 .
  4. beerthief

    Other My HW97, from basic to Bombastic

    just a few minor changes ? RIGHT! does that stock come in lefty ? nice customization
  5. beerthief

    What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

    good shooting with the new gun
  6. beerthief

    I have been officially shut down!

    Hoa's are much worse than city /town / county BS
  7. beerthief

    I have been officially shut down!

    you are welcome at my place any time . My neighbors shoot deer (centerfire )right off their porch and hang it up from the big tree in the front yard .
  8. beerthief

    Shattered by 250z Trigger: Can Someone Please Direct Me to the Nearest Exit?

    Quite a few shooters reasonably near you , maybe one will jump in ?
  9. beerthief

    Giving Away Used Gear

    I have always believed Pay it forward meant paid back in any part of my life .
  10. beerthief

    Giving Away Used Gear

    a bunch of us call it "Pay it forward " meaning your good deed today will return someday .
  11. beerthief

    Weihrauch HW97K

    A springer rated scope ? Nice rifles i have 2
  12. beerthief

    N/A Help on selecting first air rifle

    Welcome to the best AGN ! Air Arms S-510 or if you can $$ ,RAW 1000 i think $1800 ?
  13. beerthief

    Question for the backyard plinkers

    The code say rock or cement (this is ricochet city ) you will need a45 degree angle to guide misses to the ground , Horse mat works well . what is your definition of plinking ? Plinking to some is cans or bottles . look up Container traps (a container full of old clothes or rubber mulch.
  14. beerthief

    Recommend me a new gun

    Welcome to the best ! AGN ! Daystate Huntsman revere
  15. beerthief

    Beeman Bought a Used R9 .20

    just from what i read i would guess it is shooting that speed because the Manccary kit installed to make the gun smoother more pleasant to shoot . to me you got a good gun . You said 780 from your crono that would be a whole 20 FPE less than 800 FPE .. unnoticeable when shooting it . just my...
  16. beerthief

    HW/Weihrauch Problems with my Shotgrouping Hw77k

    What post #2 said and i i do this type of breathing = slower intake calm slow out AS i am breathing out i take up the first stage and as my lungs are empty squeeze the second stage to release the pellet . takes a bit of practice but it works . becomes auto in a very short time .
  17. beerthief

    Trading airguns to a shop

    could happen to anyone ,store or privet sale that's why they say "as is "
  18. beerthief

    Other Some dandy’s on Airguns of AZ pre owned

    was just on AOA looks like the 75 is gone 55 is still there , not bad for a store price .
  19. beerthief

    Other Just how much must I pay for "Accuracy" in a PCP gun?

    "A good springer made by Weihrauch will stack pellets all day long at 55 yards and you can pass them down to your kids." I have been in this hobby for a while now and am reversing my thinking and selling my PCP guns . I now have several springers and i can guarantee First shot every time no...
  20. beerthief

    Trading airguns to a shop

    All air guns are a risk as a second hand item ! they have O rings that could fail any second. A store should test any gun before putting it up for sale , that takes a bit of time (cost) they have to clean it up ,again time $$ . Listing it for sale again $$ answering the phone with questions...