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  • Users: 4nash
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  1. 4nash

    First edit squirrel shoot

    Yes. The only problem is I need glasses to see the phone screen but not for seeing the world. 😩
  2. 4nash

    First edit squirrel shoot

    The footage was taken by on an I phone SE using a low budget scope mount consisting of a old phone case glued to a pvc fitting and rubber hose clamp. Which has sine broken. Editing was done with I movie on a Ipad. The shot was taken from 15 yards with a Gamo Urban .22 using Crossman Premier...
  3. 4nash

    First edit squirrel shoot

    Hope you enjoy.
  4. 4nash

    Can someone help me purchase a Carm 30 impact SS?

    Check with your bank. They may be blocking the transaction because it is an international supplier. I ran into a similar issue when purchasing my ArtemisP15 from Krale shooting sports in the Netherlands. Once I called the bank, they lifted the flag and I was able to complete the purchase.
  5. 4nash

    Murderous Jack Russell

    That's a good dog!
  6. 4nash

    New member from NC

    Here are some photos of my manometer issue. Hope this helps 
  7. 4nash

    New member from NC

    Hello Gunners! I just joined the Nation and wanted to say hello from NC. I recently acquired an Artemis P15 and noticed a potential problem with the manometer. It appears that the pressure indicator is not properly centered on the needle. When I began airing up the rifle I noticed an...