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  1. 5Power

    Texas Axis deer and hog hunt

    Lots of meat for the wife to process for sure!!! Nice job by my guys and instead of the Pellegrino's, they proudly earned the nickname "The Porkarino's" 🤣
  2. 5Power

    WFTF Worlds results day 1,2 & 3 finals...

    I must say…. We were there for sunrise AND sunset!
  3. 5Power

    WFTF Worlds results day 1,2 & 3 finals...

    V Is veteran (senior)
  4. 5Power

    EFT (GP) BR and Silhouette - Williams, AZ - UPDATED INFO ATTACHED

    I agree with your statistics.... IF they were all shot in the same conditions. With splitting the groups, It makes it 2 different shoots. Just my opinion, but I will have a good time despite. It just sucks, in both EFT and EBR to lose to a group that may have better conditions. I have been on...
  5. 5Power

    EFT (GP) BR and Silhouette - Williams, AZ - UPDATED INFO ATTACHED

    I know everyone is gearing up for RMAC right now but we are really excited for EFT in Williams and all of the other shoots you are doing with it! Have you decided if we will have a final on the 100 BR yet? Could we fit it in somewhere?
  6. 5Power

    Altaros ATP Slugs dominated on the Oregon Extreme Airgun Competition 145 to 300 Long Range Challenge

    Tony and Mike sharing Mike’s Panthera shooting the Altaros. Me (5 power) shooting Scotts custom 7mm. He shared and it was a blast!!
  7. 5Power

    Trigger Stick upgrade

    All over this! Thank you for the post.... from both sides.... I'm sure Mike thanks you, but so do we!
  8. 5Power

    EFT (GP) BR and Silhouette - Williams, AZ - UPDATED INFO ATTACHED

    OK, Tony and I (Pesty3782 and 5 Power) have booked a hotel! Sounds like a full weekend of events and can't wait to spend some time up North. Martin, Thank you so much for getting this going!
  9. 5Power

    Mike Smith, in memory of....

    On that first standing lane Mike thought I was a ringer because I hit 3 out of 4. Then I proceeded to start missing on almost every lane! I kept telling Mike that I didn't understand this "kill zone" everyone was talking about. I didn't know what to shoot on the target because I couldn't see...
  10. 5Power

    BRK Ghost (Harley) takes 1st in Hunter PCP at Sonoran Desert Grand Prix

    I must say, Kent was right on my tail and had he not flubbed some "order of shots" on day one, we most likely would have been in a shoot off. WHEW! I appreciate all of the kind words!!
  11. 5Power

    BRK Ghost (Harley) takes 1st in Hunter PCP at Sonoran Desert Grand Prix

    Thank you Martin! As you know I am still learning Field Target. Love shooting this discipline for sure!!
  12. 5Power

    BRK Ghost (Harley) takes 1st in Hunter PCP at Sonoran Desert Grand Prix

    Thank you Dan! Not too shabby grabbing 3rd place yourself! Great shooting with you and look forward to our next pairing!
  13. 5Power

    BRK Ghost (Harley) takes 1st in Hunter PCP at Sonoran Desert Grand Prix

    It is Hunter PCP Field Target. And Thank You!! Love my Ghost!
  14. 5Power

    BRK Ghost (Harley) takes 1st in Hunter PCP at Sonoran Desert Grand Prix

    (As written by Tony, Pesty 3782) So this weekend was the Sonoran Desert Grand Prix Field Target competition at Rio Salado. It was a fun two days of shooting, and the Boss Lady, with her red 👻 knocked it out of the park!!!!! Barbara hit 90% of the targets over the 2 day competition hitting 44 the...
  15. 5Power

    Brocock/BRK New Barrel Tensioning Kit for Ghost HP

    Hello, Since this is my gun pictured here, I thought I would answer and let you know..... the "tensioner kit" and the "clamp" (pictured on my Ghost here with a 28" barrel) are two different items. The clamp can help with vibration and I personally find it helpful on the longer barrel. It seems...
  16. 5Power

    Brocock/BRK It appears our house is haunted with 👻's

    Teaching Tony how to direct reply to comments LOL. Here was his response on the bench: Because of the sun here in Arizona we skipped the plastic type shooting benches. I was trying to figure out how to make a form for a cement top. The person doing the stone work in our backyard said he had a...
  17. 5Power

    Brocock/BRK It appears our house is haunted with 👻's

    His wife took the photo with the flowers ;)
  18. 5Power

    Results Team Centercut at EBR 2023

    I made the finals in Pro, but he did beat our son by 2 points in Sportsman. He had me by 1 point in EFT but I shot Sniper and he shot Precision. so the true test has to be 50 yard…..but darn, he shot springer and I shot the Ghost. I guess we were trying to keep peace this year with different...
  19. 5Power

    Results Team Centercut at EBR 2023

    Very proud to shoot with this amazing Team!
  20. 5Power

    What's your name?........TONY,......What's yours?..........Springer.....EBR

    Smart post! That sentence, with that name, covers a lot of ground this year! 🤣