Looks great if you’re going to keep it benched. I’d probably go Carbon Fiber for the weight if it were reasonably priced. The Ghost is such an amazing platform.
Gotta hand it to them, the engineering and finishing touches on internals are pretty sweet. The look at first wasn’t what I’d expected. Then, looking at it again, it seems to fit the high end Euro designer styling-Prada vs P-Roda.
For any newbies wondering, “Should I buy that Huma Reg or rebuild kit?” Without boring you with the details, Huma is first class and stands behind their products and business. They uphold their word. Marc handled things extremely well and they’ll have my future business and hopefully yours...
Nothing’s perfect. I haven’t used mine that much so I can’t speak for high cycle use. When I do get to use it, it works great. Accurate as hell. Hard to deny that the engineering involved to bring a pcp like this into existence isn’t impressive given it’s predecessors. Being around product...
I’m a sucker for the Classic. The simplicity and precision is awesome. The L2 Badger, while more complex, operates flawlessly and is also incredible. Hard decision. I would drop the Vulcan and sell something else if possible to have an L1 and L2.
Maybe, just maybe, M3 owners are planning to sell their M3 and don’t want their potential buyers to get a Ghost. They realize the market for FX M3s and Impacts are sadly depreciating faster than an out of warranty Maserati in Miami. This, largely due to their over engineering and need for...
I don’t own one, but would say No, just a weakness in the wallet. Quite frankly, the Ghost needs noting. What are people trying to correct? I don’t get it? Unnecessary stiffeners-Now, I get why they changed the name…