Sorry magazine front cover little half round plastic thingie. Well things went a bit south magazine stop popped out, so I been struggling with it trying to get it back in place.
Anyone here buy and install their own shorty conversion? I did and can't get it from trimming air from the mag. Loud even with ldc. Seems the mag to barrel seal has flown the coupe!!
So far JSB exact rs diabolo 7.33 bout 825fps seems good out to 27yrds in mine. I've shot JSB beast 16.20g, redesigns monsters 13.43g rws supermags 9.3g Hades 10.34g, h&n hollow point 7.1g. still working what's best using the non regulated.
I was having trouble with cycling when I first installed it. Started the reg set at 100 b it would cycle the striker would stick and it would just drain out lol. So I run into a video by a guy in UK he managed to get his cycling real good at 125b set point on the reg. That's worked great with...