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  1. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Probably save up for something like a .25 taipan veteran long for the mid range animals later. First priority is doves, ducks and squirrels so a cheap PP700 seems to fit the bill. Small game meat is the best imho even if you have to collect a lot to make a meal. Maybe a large cal AEA gun later...
  2. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Yep looks like a PP700 is going to be my first purchase for that exact reason. What kind of scope would you put on one for popping doves?
  3. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Thanks for the info guys, lots of guns I never considered before on here. I'm going to start with a .22 PP700 for budget reasons and buy a second pcp gun for larger stuff with the bulk of the funds. Great info, guys keep it coming I appreciate it a ton.
  4. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Realistically I probably need a second gun that's a bit longer for nutria rats. What's good in the budget bullpup pcp range for that task? As for the AEA guns they are in my price range, compact enough and high enough power to fill the role I need. Problem is I have no idea what model would be...
  5. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Range of the gun should be good enough to hit 100 yards out optimally since the local wildlife is a tad skittish. I'm fine getting and range finder and dialing it in for every shot if I have to just have no clue what i should get or what everyone is running. Need advice on a .22 cal backpack...
  6. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Thanks a ton for recommending the PP750 and PP700, they are just in the right price range for portability and dove slaying. I had not even considered these PCP pistols but now that I think of it for small birds nothing would be better since it could be carried with ease. Anything else in the...
  7. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    During the day I tie a snare knot with some multi filament fishing like and tie the other end to something like a half full water bottle. Just crack both car windows and toss the weight out the passenger window when the geese go after the bread you throw to close the loop and then drag it in the...
  8. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Hoping I can get away with something a little less pricey they a L2 that's backpack comparable and powerful enough for the odd nutria rat. Seems I might have to start saving. Thanks for the input.
  9. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Tons of geese around here, I don't use a gun for them however because I'm young and fast. Its easier to just chase them down at night since they are flat footed lol. I normally grab a couple when they are in season and give them nothing but food or water for a few days so the blood and other...
  10. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    I would recommend you just pluk and gut everything then stuff it in a pressure cooker for an hour on high less for smaller birds. I tend to fast for a few weeks to a month then fill myself with wild red meat, after true hunger returns during a fast you will be able to taste every aspect of the...
  11. JohnTitor

    Lead free pellets recommendations?

    Also what would you recommend for casting your own? How do you guys go about this. Thanks
  12. JohnTitor

    Lead free pellets recommendations?

    I do alot of dove hunting because they are tasty as hell. Buying a better pcp airgun because my old springer .22 failed. What lead free pellets are on the market for .22 and .25 at a decent price? I get stressed just thinking about how much lead I may or may not have already inadvertently eaten...
  13. JohnTitor

    How to go about making money Airgun pesting?

    Doubtful you could make any money at it, farmers already have decent pest control schemes in place. Most of the guys you see doing it on YouTube seem to be property owners or friends/family of the farmer.
  14. JohnTitor

    Need first hunting PCP recommendations

    Really need some advice on what to get based on my personal requirements. 1: I hunt a lot of doves locally because they are absolutely delicious, I will eat other small birds as well. 2: I need to be able to conceal the gun in a backpack so as not to freak out locals while moving about. It...