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  1. Zvinets

    Best 4.5mm Ball Bullet (Steel or Lead, etc.) for Air Pistol

    Hi everyone, I would like to ask about what is the *Best (steel or lead, etc.) Bullet Ball brand for your airgun. Speaking of details; 1. 4.5mm caliber 2. For Co2 air pistol 3. Overall performance (rigidity, finishing, "friendliness" for your airgun) Let me know your trusted choice as I'm...
  2. Zvinets

    Welcome to AIRGUN NATION - please introduce yourself here!

    Howdy everyone, greetings from Indonesia. I'm a new (greenhorn) in this forum :) A little about me would be; 24, tactical gear enthusiast (*KNIVES, self defense gears, anything for close range and not so close range too haha). In terms of airgun I only own a heavily modified Makarov air pistol...