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  1. D

    Proper Way To Ship A Carbon Fiber Tank

    I have a Joe Brancato Tiger Shark carbon fiber air tank that I have used only a couple of times to fill my PCP air rifles. I have only used it a couple of times and will be listing it for sale in the Classified section of this web site soon. I'm liquidating my air rifle and accessories...
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    Exactly how many is too many

    Boy — I think you're close! Over the past 40 years I have purchased more guns than you have displayed in your pictures, and I have finally reached the end of the line. When your toys are just sitting on the wall or in a closet or safe for years on end without being touched, it's probably time to...
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    Xero in the rain?

    I recently purchased the Garmin XERO chronograph for use with my standard firearms. And I have to say that I have been very impressed with its performance in standard conditions. Although I haven't used it in rainy or misty conditions, that's really something that any chronograph is going to...
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    Just going to stop ordering *stuff*

    The biggest problem that I have when ordering things these days is hoping to God that the person who my package has been assigned to to deliver has the pride to complete the delivery, at the correct address, and leaves my package where someone won't steal it. USPS in my area has been absolutely...
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    When Life Gives You Lemons?

    Boy — isn't load testing (pellet testing) fun? It would nice if someone were to come up with a fast and simple way to help you find the exact pellet, barrel length, pressure that your particular rifle likes the best! Sounds like a business opportunity?
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    Rifle scope

    Take a look at the Arken line of scopes. They have developed quite a following over the past 18-months with air rifle and standard firearm users alike. They have a variety of high quality scopes in various tube sizes, magnifications, reticles and features that compare very favorably with much...
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    Why would you sell?

    I'm 73 years old and I have been collecting high quality air rifles for the past few years in the hope of setting-up a 50-yard outdoor range at my second home. Unfortunately, at 73 your body starts to betray you and the things that you had on your bucket list don't seem quite as obtainable as...
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    .30 Cal Dilemma

    Depends on how many guns you want in your closet or safe. You already have the basis for a great .30 gun in the FX Impact 4. What are you using the current FX Impact 4 rifle for, and would you miss it if you converted it to .30 caliber?
  9. D

    Rookie Mistakes?

    Shooting, owning, and maintaining air guns is not the same thing as regular firearms. The terminology, parts, procedures, and techniques are much different. The first thing to do is to read as many articles, books, and magazines as possible to get up to speed. Then watch YouTube videos to answer...
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    Local Restrictions On Air Rifle Shooting

    I live in gun-hating Colorado. The legislature here is constantly imposing new restrictions on smokeless pistols and rifles, along with ammunition. Was wondering if any you are seeing your local elected reps starting to pass restrictive rules and regulations on the use of air rifles and ammunition?