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  1. ThE PuNiShEr

    Airgun Technologies Vulcan 3 HP (high power) .30

    Той е не просто дилър с добре репутация, той е и добър приятел @shaman !!!
  2. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX I hate the fx impact.

    Явно стреляш веднъж в годината !!! ;):D
  3. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX I hate the fx impact.

    Къде го пише това нещо за обслужване цялостно на 2 години ???
  4. ThE PuNiShEr

    N/A Red Panda

    I say that some of the targets you have uploaded are very nice but others are much more open. And I ask, do you know why this is so, do you have any idea why the differences in the grouping of the shots are so big?
  5. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX PCP Airgun Tuning - Why would the FPS go down when increasing the Hammer Spring at a constant reg pressure.

    Отговора на въпроса ти приятел е само един а именно : Излишно количество въздух което довежда до забавената скорост.
  6. ThE PuNiShEr

    N/A Red Panda

    Много странни мишени, някои са много стегнати , а други супер отворени. Тези мишени с различни настройки ли са или с еднакви ???
  7. ThE PuNiShEr

    Fx maverick

    Това е ФХ приятел, свиква се понякога да се случи нещо нелогично. Имам тази играчка , но в момента съм с цев Алфа Пресижън. Отделете повече време за настройка на регулатор втори и ударник, проверете дали пружината на ударника да не се е отчупило парченце от нея, ако сте с пружина на Хума, те...
  8. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX Can’t fill back my fx king!!

    Hello friend, I am not a gambling person, but I am betting on a deformed needle/valve !!!
  9. ThE PuNiShEr

    Tuning Barrel indexing before machining?

    Отговора е намерен . Показвам ви го в прикачената снимка. Само с многократно добавяне на алфа пресижън бланката може да се направи индексиране на бланката бързо и ефективно. Всякакви други варианти за напасване и премерване с цел на индексиране за мен са неразбираеми и бих казал почти...
  10. ThE PuNiShEr

    Tuning Barrel indexing before machining?

    Friends, either I'm not explaining well or you can't understand what I'm asking unfortunately !!! Let me try again, now in more detail. You probably know what the beginning of the Fx barrel is, the bronze detail with the transfer port that is wound on the tube with a thickness of φ13.6 mm. In my...
  11. ThE PuNiShEr

    Tuning Barrel indexing before machining?

    Thank you. However, I can't understand the first 3 sentences of what you wrote. How does a barrel rotate in motion and which bore is wobbly ??? Do you mean to roll the barrel on a flat surface and look at the front and end where the projectile exits when fired??? If there is video material on...
  12. ThE PuNiShEr

    Tuning Barrel indexing before machining?

    Thanks for the answer, but I still can't understand what you want to say, probably the translator is not doing his job. Please try with more words. I dare to say that during the time that I have spent with the hobby, I have created many things and I have helped many people in Bulgaria regarding...
  13. ThE PuNiShEr

    Tuning Barrel indexing before machining?

    I did not understand that. Can you explain in a little more detail please?!!! I'm doing a project and will be putting an Alpha Precision barrel blank into a Fх. How to determine the position of the blank as it is not possible to shoot and see the hits after rotation tests at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock?
  14. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX Huma 1st reg on m3

    Never unscrew the valve of the bottle while there is air under pressure in it, empty completely before removing the valve !!! IT'S DANGEROUS !!!
  15. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX Huma 1st reg on m3

    Yes, you need special key !!!
  16. ThE PuNiShEr

    Experience with the Huma-Air extended scope rail with barrel stiffener for the FX Maverick?

    For starters, you can check if the shot speed is constant. Second suspect is the optics, check the mounts to see if they are tight. If everything is fine here, we will continue.
  17. ThE PuNiShEr

    Experience with the Huma-Air extended scope rail with barrel stiffener for the FX Maverick?

    You need to shoot more often man !!! Is it just the first shot with a different hit or all of them? Do you have a detail that connects the bottle to the barrel???
  18. ThE PuNiShEr

    Experience with the Huma-Air extended scope rail with barrel stiffener for the FX Maverick?

    Кога имате промяна в POI? При какви обстоятелства?
  19. ThE PuNiShEr

    Experience with the Huma-Air extended scope rail with barrel stiffener for the FX Maverick?

    Hi, apparently no one has tried it. Why are you asking about this set, because it's beautiful or maybe I need it??? Having problems with your Maverick? If you need to help ...... !!! :)
  20. ThE PuNiShEr

    FX FX King .25 & Huma Transfer Port V2 with Pin Probe - Installation Question.

    I'm pretty sure you have a valve and valve seat problem !!!