Don't look at the spec in sites :) They are wrong.. I measured it - in .22 caliber about 50-52J out of the box and in .25 caliber - 65-70J with potential in .22 up to 60J and in .25 up to 75J
I am sorry, but I have not a photo of the back of the target... It's full with holes.. And when the pellet hit a edge of the hole it changes his trajectory and you will hear this splatter
Great shooting :) Here is what i made some time ago at 857 meters (937 yards) Now i am planning competition shooting at 1000 meters (1094 yards) with the new HP Vulcans ;)
Get the new Snowpeak P35X powerfull enough, wooden stock, magazine for 8 projectiles in .25, regulator, very quiet and precise ! Here i am shooting with different projectiles at 50 meters: (sorry, but i have not put english subs here)
You are right Mike ! But have in mind - they are gun manufacturers and not web designers :) BTW.. it's not domain issue - i've checked Not an hosting server issue - the host is up, just there is no site on it :( And I am more than 100% sure - they will not shut down soon :) with those great...
AGN does not advertise their guns.. They let the guns speak for themselves :) and this is the best advertisement... Just the news from AGN are too slow :(
Yes.. I said the last ones comes with new magazine.. It's not very hard to make a magazine holding larger projectiles ;) I have a 3d file just for the cover (and i can send it to any interested) or if you have lathe you can make the cover holding larger slugs easy.
Since couple of months AGN ships all Vulcans with new magazines.. First only in .22 and now also .25 and .30 The difference - new magazines can hold one more projectile and longer projectiles Here are pictures: