When I closed the mfg company I had over 1200 Transferable. What a pain with the paper work and batfe, Paperwork took over a year. Back when I bought 308 for $35M. I had 10 tables at Knob Creek 2x year. There were only 10 134's in transferable hands.
Ok ... How about a 80 cal. ? WTB .72 cal rifle with accessories . Bullet molds, muzzle breaks, sound controlers .. A large package deal would be perfect. Open to any manufactures . Somebody must have one...
That is the information I needed. The 16 inch was my first choice. That is why I always ask the experts question. MY main target are wild hogs. We are over run. Shot over 200 last year. Donated them to churches and poor famlies.
Excellent. Thanks for the info. What is the best way to quiten it down a bit. Having built items for center fire rifles you get sound and recoil reduction.
What is the right $. I am looking to by a gun and suppressor shortly, had to find a good used package. How about putting a recoil assembly on the butt? I am a machinist but can't cut anything with wood but splinters.