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  1. globalstar66

    FX Impact M3 velocity drops 100 fps after sitting over night then takes 20 shots before it returns back to 990fps. Reg pressure unchanged during process.

    They are ALL at IWA trade show in Germany until Sunday - so probably only home next week.
  2. globalstar66

    FX FX Impact M4 - Velocity consistency?

    We have 2 FX Impact M4's (both 30 Cal). One is 150fps slower over 24 hours and takes 20 shots to get to the set speed, and the other one is 100fps off, and takes 15 shots to get to set velocity. Major PITA!!!
  3. globalstar66

    FX fx impact m4 first 10 shots are slow

    This 100+ fps drop is driving me insane - and now the distributor here tells us it’s our settings…. So I guess many of us have just the wrong settings??? Very disappointed with this M4
  4. globalstar66


    Downside is my M4 “loses” over 100fps from the previous day. Takes 15 shots to get back to correct velocity again. Major pain
  5. globalstar66

    Cheaper bullpup options other than the FX Impact M4 Compact in .22?

    Also looking at something other than my Impact M4. This thing is driving me insane with the 100fps slower velocity after not using it for a day
  6. globalstar66

    FX Impact M3 velocity drops 100 fps after sitting over night then takes 20 shots before it returns back to 990fps. Reg pressure unchanged during process.

    And for what it’s worth - why do we have to spend another $300 to make the gun shoot the way it should from the factory… this is not a good situation
  7. globalstar66

    FX Impact M3 velocity drops 100 fps after sitting over night then takes 20 shots before it returns back to 990fps. Reg pressure unchanged during process.

    And one of my customers has the same issue with an M4 he ordered from me - his would be 730fps on shot one, and only 20 shots later gets to the set velocity of 900fps.
  8. globalstar66

    FX Impact M3 velocity drops 100 fps after sitting over night then takes 20 shots before it returns back to 990fps. Reg pressure unchanged during process.

    I have the exact same issue with a new M4 in 30 cal. Stupidly frustrating!! I really hope a solution is coming very soon from FX!!!