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  1. G

    Need Recommendations for a PCP Airgun to Deal with Coyotes

    You might have fun with the full Auto hatsan Blitz
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    The barrel bands I have are good ones they have rubber pads that go around the barrel,airtube and bottle and once tightened down they will not move
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    Barrel bands on both no more problem with poi
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    I don't think I am maxed out on my wildcat/maverick,it's sending 45.5gr. Slugs at 940 fps with 2nd 125. My other wildcat moved poi every time I looked at it,so tried barrel band and haven't had issues since. When I received my new m3, I didn't give it a chance and immediately put a...
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    But I pet him George
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    I found I was too hard on my rifles and every time I would pick it up by the barrel or bang it against something it would move poi so I put Barrel bands on and have not had issues since, I carry my rifles slung barrel down and they have 700 mm barrels so they are going to bang on logs and downed...
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    I do hunt with my Wildcats so I lean them against trees and pick them up by the barrels after Barrel bands no more poi shift
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    FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

    I have two Wildcats that I put Barrel bands on and no longer have a problem