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  1. B

    Umarex New guy and thank you.

    Thank you all for the welcome. The gun holds air, been a few days now no issues. I'm pretty happy with how it performs, not as loud as I was expecting from the reviews I watched, but I have nothing to compare it too. Now to figure out how to sight in a thermal scope during daylight.:D I'm going...
  2. B

    Umarex New guy and thank you.

    Yeah, very new to this. I thought about stiopping @ 3500 and going from there, but I wanted to make sure everything works right when new. I'll only be 50 yards from the house, refilling isn't an issue. I'll keep the pressure lower going forward. It is pretty smooth for a budget gun, checking...
  3. B

    Umarex New guy and thank you.

    Hello all. I've wanted to get into pcp airguns for a while, but didn't want to spend a lot of money if it turned out not to be interesting. I want this mostly for night vermin that want after my chickens. I watched a ton of youtube videos about budget rifles and narrowed it down to 2. The...