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  1. ojibwe72

    RTI MORA...Your Worse Nightmare

    It’s kinda heavy, the safety I’m getting used to the trigger is awesome little take up and light. The bottle guard is more stiff than the Other one they had. I like that it came with two mags, a silencer and pretty cool keychain. Oh and the case is super nice.
  2. ojibwe72

    RTI MORA...Your Worse Nightmare

    Well it isn’t your gun is it? Find the MDT video were they mount a scope super high on a gun it had no ill effects on sighting in the gun. Or maybe that’s all I had for scope mounts.
  3. ojibwe72

    RTI MORA...Your Worse Nightmare

    I do t shoot extreme distances. I shout the stuff running threw my backyard.
  4. ojibwe72

    RTI MORA...Your Worse Nightmare

    So a guy can’t join a forum and post on it? Yeap I’m a mole to trick you into spending a bunch of money on a Mora, take a chill pill.
  5. ojibwe72

    RTI MORA...Your Worse Nightmare

    Got my Mora standard in .25 shooting Altaros ATP 60 grain slugs today. Mounted my Helix scope took three shots to zero at 40 yards. This is the best most accurate gun I have shot, I have many FX rifles and a P1 and a P3 this thing puts them all to shame.