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  1. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    Special thanks to Trucker3573. Tried shooting pellets, the JSB 33,95 gr. At 880 fps I got a perfect group. It was the slugs all along as many of suggested. Weirdly the pellets shoot these perfect groups out of the slug liner, with the slug transfer port in use. Also overwhelmed by the amount of...
  2. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    This is just the amount of space I have. Hunt would be 50 to 150 yds
  3. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    No changes with the carbon sleeve
  4. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    I just installed the carbon fiber sleeve, still have to retest. Is there a good way to check for moderator clipping. Thanks for the suggestions by the way!
  5. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    I should have been more clear, sorry. I tuned to certain speeds and found some sweet spots, where all was in harmony, sound the gun made changed. Even got extremely consistent speeds only 1 or 2 fps difference over 10 shots. But at 35 yds such a wide spread doesn't seem be realistic even with a...
  6. N

    Brand new Impact M4 not grouping at all

    I got my brand new FX impact M4 Sniper (700mm) in .25 cal. Originally I wanted the .22 as an upgrade for my Weihrauch HW100 but they just changed hunting laws in my country which makes .25 the minimum. I got the STX superior heavy liner installed to shoot the Javlin 36gr slugs (gen 2) Tried...