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  1. C

    Karma Karma SLS Standard .

    Thanks for the write up! I got mine a few weeks ago and have been too busy to get out and shoot. My back yard is too small so I have to travel somewhere else to shoot. I will try to provide feedback once I get a chance to play with it.
  2. C

    Karma sls vs aea sf same gun essentially?

    When it’s talked about it’s always so vague, but yes I think you’re right.
  3. C

    Karma sls vs aea sf same gun essentially?

    Also, worth mentioning, and a big part of what went into my decision, is that it is a collaboration between two very reputable companies (Saber Tactical and DonnyFL). I felt they both make good products and both have reputations of caring about quality and standing behind their products.
  4. C

    Karma sls vs aea sf same gun essentially?

    Yeah, from what I have researched, the trigger may be the issue for some folks used to light and smooth triggers. My understanding is that issue appears to be a necessary evil to make the semi-auto work (the way it's designed). For me, this gun seemed to fit what I needed it for. I had some...
  5. C

    Karma sls vs aea sf same gun essentially?

    They do look quite similar. I just ordered a Karma SLS Standard, so I can let you know what I think once I’ve had it and shot it.
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    Boerne (TX) Field Target Club Match Saturday, Jan 11, 2025

    Thank you! I’ll look into this for sure 👍
  7. C

    Boerne (TX) Field Target Club Match Saturday, Jan 11, 2025

    Can’t make this one, but would love to know about future events. I’m hoping to get my son interested and would like to attend some events over the next year. We’re between Austin and Waco.
  8. C

    Karma Karma SLS Standard .

    I ordered one too in 22. Looking forward to sharing my experience with it.
  9. C

    Red light, green light, or night vision?

    Thanks for this! Bookmarked 👍
  10. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    You da man! Thanks!
  11. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    So helpful to know. I never thought about the go big and throttle down philosophy, but it makes total sense. You are the second person to metntion the cayote guy on here. Any chance you know his member name? I'd like to read up. Yes, we have critter density, but it's all private land (for...
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    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    I appreciate your feedback, and thank you for taking the time to weigh in. I am weighing all the input everyone has been gracious enough to share.
  13. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    great info. Thanks!
  14. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    I really appreciate your practical and as unbiased-as-possible feedback here. I love to tinker, but I am so busy with my business and coaching my son’s baseball team, that I am getting more and more interested in something that’s more ready to go out of the box and when we have a few hours to...
  15. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    Wow man, thanks for this. Such great feedback here I’m going to end up with paralysis by analysis. Since it is a large investment, I’m soaking all this in to find the best one for me that I’ll be happy with long term. Much appreciated!
  16. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    You just checked a lot of boxes. You also hit on something I didn’t mention before: I shoot LH and my son, who will be shooting with me is a RH shooter. I have wondered about the Impact and the way the mag sticks out (for LH shooters). I definite need something that is somewhat ambidextrous...
  17. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    That’s a beautiful and compact piece of art! What caliber and would you recommend for hunting like I’ve described? If so, how far out would you send it in a hunting scenario (coons/cayote)?
  18. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    That keeps coming up (the AGT switch). I’m going to dig in to that! Quiet and accurate is good. Do you recall why people left FX for them? What was the beef/catalyst for change?
  19. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    I was wondering about durability switching back and forth. The reality is if I get comfortable with a caliber that meets my needs, I’ll probably leave it alone. Looks like maverick models are more affordable. Any reason I shouldn’t just go that route with a 25 or 30 cal and just dial it in...
  20. C

    FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

    Thank you for the insight on the compressor and tank. I also appreciate the direction in the cayote hunting thread. I’ll do some searching for sure. I’m assuming there’s good threads on compressors as well. Good stuff 👍