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  1. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    Thank you! I’ve seen some older videos by on YouTube where previous editions had a regular cross bolt safety. This looks to be fine from the video.
  2. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    Nice. Cost of the plane ticket will be more than the rifle though so it’s internet research only for me! Looks like a fantastic rifle, biggest problem by far is that safety.
  3. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    Thanks for the detailed response. The closest I’ll come to shooting from a bench most of the time would be prone supported. I’m planning to hunt with it and train my kids (under heavy supervision) with it, though I’m going to get an Umarex Notos for them as well. I have big hands as well and...
  4. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    Glad to hear a hand pump is viable. I’ll get a decent one and it can be the backup whenever I get a compressor. I’m looking to get the Athlon Talos 6x24. Would prefer just to be one and done with the scope and that should fulfill every foreseeable need for a .25 PCP. The Ranger definitely...
  5. javelinaStank

    AoA missing my order..

    I get why it irks you, but having run an e-commerce business sometimes these things just happen. Most businesses are honest, at least the ones that stick around.
  6. javelinaStank

    Convincing your PB friends to try air power

    As my mother used to tell me….. don’t cast pearls before swine.
  7. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    Hell yeah. I’m sold! You using a compressor or a hand pump? I’m new to PCPs and I want to buy a decent scope too so if I can start with a hand pump that’d be nice.
  8. javelinaStank

    Stoeger xm1 ranger.25 caliber questions

    How’s it going with your Ranger? I’m debating between the Ranger and an Umarex Gauntlet 2 .25. I’m leaning more toward the Ranger as it’s a rebadge of a widely and long manufactured rifle, as well as a 5 year warranty. I’ve seen a lot of quality complaints about the Gauntlet. The Ranger is...
  9. javelinaStank

    FX Are expensive PCPs worth it?

    I’m gonna try this. This has had me chuckling for a bit. Did you get the entire fleet in red? That might’ve been your issue. I don’t think most chicks can tell one red Ducati from another. Ah, the ol’ disinformation tactic. Flood them with enough noise and they can’t discern what’s true.
  10. javelinaStank

    Message out to classified low ballers

    Classic market failure. There’s no cost to sellers to list or renew, so they’re not incentivized to list at a market clearing price and sell quickly. The easiest way to do that is to charge for listings and charge enough that you can’t economically list an item into perpetuity. If we consider...
  11. javelinaStank

    Big Power in a Small Package: Meet the MicroStrike

    What are the physical dimensions? I’m looking for an air rifle for training kids and currently the Notos is my best option, but this might be a better fit depending. Common ammunition with the .25 I’m looking at myself would be nice too.
  12. javelinaStank

    Message out to classified low ballers

    Making an offer so low that it has no sane relation to the current market value of the item is a foolproof demonstration that the buyer is unserious. The best way to do with these folks is to reply "no" and say nothing else. I do this with morons on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, OfferUp, etc...
  13. javelinaStank

    Goin’ hoggin’?!

    I’m talking about shooting those wily 4 legged critters, not something you do at the bar! So I’ve seen videos of people hunting hogs on YouTube with air rifles. There’s a guy who took a bunch of them with a .25 Air Venturi. He dropped them all with one shot one kill placement, but I’m sure he’s...
  14. javelinaStank

    Bad shot placement on a rat using Zulus

    It’s because we’re atop the food chain and not used to being hunted. I guarantee though there are many soldiers and people who live in war zones that are spring loaded too when shot at / in the hindquarters! I think I need to stop browsing here for a bit. I keep finding new equipment that I...
  15. javelinaStank

    Squirrel Appreciation Day!

    Nice! That sounds good really. I can’t imagine my wife would eat a full bowl, but she’d probably try a spoon or 2. Wow! I didn’t know there was such a thing. White animals are rare in nature. How do these guys avoid becoming hawk food? A few ago in Los Angeles all the white cats started...
  16. javelinaStank

    New member introduction

    I appreciate the detailed info. I don't think an ultra reliable compressor is in the cards for me given that price point! I'll strive for 'good enough' at this point. *Adding* water cooling ex post facto is something I'm sure I could do if I had good instructions, but sounds like it'd just be a...
  17. javelinaStank

    Squirrel Appreciation Day!

    I saw that it was squirrel appreciation day today and immediately my mind leapt to wanting to shoot a few. I guess the timing is apropos, this Saturday is the last day in California to legally appreciate them! How'd you cook this bunch? When you have that many is it easier just to make a stew?
  18. javelinaStank

    Curious, how much more would you pay

    Yeah it's quite a bit, I've never used a side lever but I can't see it being worth that much money to me. Nor a bolt on an airgun, but I've worked bolts on plenty of regular rifles. Is it significantly harder to work the bolt on some air rifles than a powder burner? That's kinda what I was...
  19. javelinaStank

    Glimpse of Invasive Iguanas

    Brain fart. I should've said gophers. We don't have groundhogs in the West... but they're both little furry critters that dig holes in golf courses and elsewhere so you can roll an ankle, close enough I guess. I watch those iguana hunting videos on YouTube, it's a free for all out there. Seen a...
  20. javelinaStank

    Curious, how much more would you pay

    I realize this is old but didn’t want to start a new thread for the same question. Never is a strong word. How much $$ are we talking side lever being worth? I’m looking at some right now where bolt vs side lever will let me get a $3-400 better deal. I can get a nice scope for that much. I know...