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  1. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    My wife is Czech. It would bring me great joy to find another Eastern European beauty. 🙂
  2. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    Do you have any suggestions on compressor? I haven't even begun researching those yet. I know I want one rather than a hand pump though! (I know I'll end up with a herd of PCPs, lol.)
  3. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    That is sweet. I'm near Corsicana. Do you have any opinion on the Akela's he has listed on his site?
  4. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    Yeah I chanced onto his site yesterday for the first time. Those stoegers sure are nice, the Benjamin bullpup too. Do you have any insight on the Akela's? Everything I've read said he's a great guy to buy from.
  5. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm near Corsicana. I'm drinking it all in. Anyone have any advice on the Benjamin Akela or the AEA challenger? I'm researching all these models y'all are mentioning as we speak. 🙂
  6. jonas74

    New member and airgun noob

    Hi all, I'm Jonas from Texas. I'm just getting into the airgun scene. I grew up shooting on the ranch, but got away from it for years. Now I have a little land I can shoot on, so I thought I'd look into a BB gun to pop mice with. Yes, 3 weeks ago I was about to drop $60 on a Daisy 880. Then the...