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  1. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    Not to hi-jack your thread. But a relic from the ol days of performing magic on worn out manual equipment. This old jewel has 4 inch of travel. Lol
  2. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    @Rob_in_NC That looks like a good deal. Comes with a 3 jaw, 4 jaw, and a quick change tool post. As for the age of the machine I totally understand the concern. I would extend the quil of the tailstock and see how much wobble it has. I've seen them in really really bad shape before, but...
  3. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    Well, that's definitely a packed space lol. Let me clarify and maybe expand on what I was saying. First, I apologize, often times my brain or thoughts out run my fingers so everything rumbling around up there doesn't come out. Anoys the hell out of my wife too. I was primarily thinking...
  4. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    Look for a used Prusa mk3 or mk3+ on whatever market place you browse. I found my prusa Mk3+ for $375 on FB. Ask them to have it setup and tell them you would like to run a first layer test. They will either be happy to do it because it's a quick test and will help them off load it by proving...
  5. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    Unfortunately in the world of machining the ol saying "You get what you pay for" is about as accurate as it gets. That being said, most people don't have the money to look at high end or even mid range equipment for a hobby to put in their garage. I started my machinist educational adventure...
  6. C

    Mini Lathe for Small Parts?

    If you're thinking Sherline size then you could also look at Taig. These two options are in the same desktop/toolbox size format.