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  1. T

    New member and airgun noob

    Theres also the airforce texan SS .457 with the carbon fiber tank if you want to drop anything in north america where it stands. I have one with 9 pills put through it total (Sight in and repeat results+buck). Then 1 pill was a little much for the deer around here so I am looking to sell I will...
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    New member and airgun noob

    Fellow Native Texan here hi Jonas! My umarex notos blew away my expectations. With diablo .22 pellets its a absolute laser at 50 yards fps is 700-800, more than adequate for small game. Shot placement is always key of course.
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    FX New FX Pistol!

    Time will tell for sure. Even a standard m9 is a pain to clean and keep running to many parts. But theres also the forgotten H&K p9 overly designed but runs like a swiss watch so hopefully it goes the right way. My apologies I know those are firearms its just what popped to mind.
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    FX New FX Pistol!

    Definetely looks like it unfortunately. I try my best to stick with the K.I.S.S. Rule. Im going to wait for peoples reviews on it, field test videos etc.
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    FX New FX Pistol!

    Must hold on to wallet….its taking me help! Lol awesome pistol!