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  1. elusiveky

    Opinions on traditional CO2 pellet rifles like Beeman QB78

    Understood, thanks for letting me know!
  2. elusiveky

    What did you do airgun related today.

    Wow I will. Is that just dry, or should I use some cleaner? Sorry, total newbie. Thanks for the tip!
  3. elusiveky

    Opinions on traditional CO2 pellet rifles like Beeman QB78

    Looks like their site is under construction unfortunately. But I will bookmark and check back. Thanks for the response!
  4. elusiveky

    Opinions on traditional CO2 pellet rifles like Beeman QB78

    So is this flying dragons site an american site? You mentioned “tuned out the door from mike…” just wondering. Thanks
  5. elusiveky

    Umarex Umarex Canex Co2 Plinker: Not A Peep!

    This sounds great. I stumbled onto a 40cnt box of co2 carts in my garage and it has made me decide to get a co2 rifle for the backyard. This umarex canex sounds great! Thanks
  6. elusiveky

    What did you do airgun related today.

    I opened my first pcp. A Umarex Notos. Started reading the instructions. I have a hand pump coming tomorrow. Also opened the scope I got to go on it, UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32 Excited to get practicing in the backyard!
  7. elusiveky

    The best All around Air rifle scope

    This is good to know. This kind of service makes it easier to buy from a manufacturer and to be loyal to them. Thanks
  8. elusiveky

    Kral Arms My latest project

    sounds like I missed out. thanks for the reply! good luck on getting ur Uragan!
  9. elusiveky

    Kral Arms Kral parts in stock (at last) at Bagnall Kirkwood - UK

    Thanks a lot for this feedback. I am trying to find something that will fulfill my desire for the np02 and this Tormenta just might be the ticket!
  10. elusiveky

    Kral Arms Kral parts in stock (at last) at Bagnall Kirkwood - UK

    @JimNM Did you like the Tormenta? I am after my first PCP and really want something compact so because I am unable to buy a Kral NP-02 I am looking at the Tormenta or the webley nemesis x. any experienced opinion you could offer would be appreciated.
  11. elusiveky

    FX Lost of compact gun talk lately

    @thammer I am new here so hopefully this is okay to ask. I am looking for my first PCP air gun and have really fallen in love with the np02 but of course I cannot find one at any dealer. might you have one you have built and are willing to sell? Once I have permission to post in the...
  12. elusiveky

    Your 1st PCP

    I am still searching for my first PCP. And I am starting to fear I will not find what I want. I have really taken to the Kral NP02 but I cannot seem to find one for sale at a store that will ship to the USA. If anyone can offer any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
  13. elusiveky

    Kral Arms My latest project

    I have fallen in love with the Kral NP-02 in my search for my first pcp gun but I cannot seem to find a place to buy one. I noticed you know a lot about them. Any help you might offer? Thanks