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  1. wwo2015

    Optics Baikal IZH-46M Rear Sights

    This listing has been renewed
  2. wwo2015

    Losing interest?

    Hang in there.
  3. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    Sales volume on lower priced items is always higher than higher priced items. For instance, the packages of gum or candy you see at the checkout isles trying to get impulse buys. It's only $1.00 so they sell tons of that stuff. Their profit margins on that package of gum are probably 80% or...
  4. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    Well without being there it's really going to be hard to know all of those things for sure. You do have to know that expectations for quality of life are much different here in the US than that of a country like China. May all have to do with what you are willing to accept vs. what you want when...
  5. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    It's the ancillary costs of doing business in the US vs the rest of the world. Insurance, taxes, legal costs, maintenance, machinery, employee benefits, dealing with watch dog agencies like OSHA and the IRS. Other countries pay exorbitant duties on US products brought into their countries vs...
  6. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    Guess he didn't have kids to put through college anymore. I've seen very talented guys at the ends of their careers do what they do best for snorts and giggles. Not sure guys like that represent the serious business world because they can't be found on every street corner and you never know when...
  7. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    There is a dividing line once you get over a certain total dollar amount. If something retails for $20 then margins are higher due to lower volume dollars-if something retails for $20k then margins can be lower due to higher volume dollars. Do your homework here and look up markups vs margins...
  8. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    If a $300 rifle retail costs $100 to build you will be in business for a couple months. Mass production of anything has to have crazy margins to be profitable. That $300 rifle at best better only cost $50 or less to build and that's on the high end. Also be aware that the business world works on...
  9. wwo2015

    Oh the $$$$....

    Agree with most of what you said-more expensive doesn't always mean better. If someone wants to charge a higher price for their goods or services, then that has to be warranted by reputation of success from prior business then they have that reputation of "getting the job done" and then that...
  10. wwo2015

    Optics Baikal IZH-46M Rear Sights

    This listing has been renewed
  11. wwo2015

    Cancer in the airgun world

    To deliver a product or service at a high level you have to. If you are only interested in slopping stuff out the door in mass, then you can say yes to a whole lot more. Aiming down or even sideways has a limited future, aim up for the long haul.
  12. wwo2015

    Cancer in the airgun world

    We live in a narcissistic society-people will do anything to get attention even at the expense of wealth or health of others. I remember a kid doing this exact thing on the old Yellow Forum. Emailed me directly under an entirely different name trying to get under my skin. I called him out on it...
  13. wwo2015

    FedEx One Rate - Flat Rate Shipping

    Insurance with any of these shipping companies is a straight up scam. It's like buying an extended warranty for a chainsaw that these box stores try to add on at the register (back in the day when you had people actually check you out). You'll never use it, and they will make it so complicated...
  14. wwo2015

    Optics Baikal IZH-46M Rear Sights

    This listing has been renewed
  15. wwo2015

    What barrel does Thomas Air use?

    Mike doesn't do anything out of the box-all unique to him. Just the way he rolls.
  16. wwo2015

    Optics Baikal IZH-46M Rear Sights

    I have an IZH-46M pistol that I used to fit grips but sent the rear sights to a good customer years ago because his got damaged during shipment. I am going to build one last set of grips and sell the gun with them on it but need a rear sight set. Please let me know what you have or even where I...
  17. wwo2015


    In the end no matter what product line you are in-you need passionate users of those products in the design room and not the bean counters. Come up with the innovations first and then figure out how to build it economically. They worried about costs first and then built something that didn't...
  18. wwo2015

    FX FX Crown Question-possibly offering a BR stock for them but need info.

    Thanks for the feedback. The stock I have here is actually a laminate thumbhole and they may have very well needed different supporting hardware for the synthetic stock versus a hardwood.
  19. wwo2015

    FX FX Crown Question-possibly offering a BR stock for them but need info.

    Thanks for the response. I might send you a PM with photos of the inletting and stock I have here to see if anything is different from what you have if that's OK with you.
  20. wwo2015

    FX FX Crown Question-possibly offering a BR stock for them but need info.

    I have an original Crown stock here but not sure if inletting pattern has changed with the newer versions (MKI vs MKII, Continuum etc....) so need some feedback from Crown owners. I have had many people asking for them and FT stocks but would like to come up with a simple ambi BR design first...