I agree with the cherry picked groups being lousy examples of the accuracy you guys are talking about here.
But I also think that there’s nothing wrong with sharing the best group you have ever shot just for fun.
When I shot this group ( with the tape) at 130 yards with my .20 Rapid I posted it because I was so excited about it.
In the past two years I’ve gotten one other group that was really good, one pellet drifted out of the group.
Anyway, that’s two stellar groups in about three years of trying at 130 yards lol!
I can do very well shooting this rifle off of bags at 50 yards…if there’s no wind.
But I just haven’t had much success with reading the wind.
I have usually three flags on my range.
My range is all uphill with strange winds.
Sometimes the flag near the target is blowing right and the flag nearest me is swirling around in circles!
I mostly just give up and shoot through the wind, which of course teaches me nothing!
Those of you who are able to read the wind are like wizards to me lol!