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.04 MOA All Day Long If I Do My Part.

Was shooting 25 shot groups and had a good 5 shot start.

The rest are 25 shots at 50y.

Edit…looks like the order is messed up.





Exactly. Guys posting cherry picked groups introduce disinformation, chaos and frustration among other shooters. That's why I disregard cherry picked groups entirely.

Here are my 5 shot groups at 50 meters:


And here is some proper testing at 50 meters, all 5 shot groups:


The funny thing is that I do no see much tests like that. Usually some cherry picked groups only which are meaningless. Does it mean that noone really has anything cool to share?
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I agree with the cherry picked groups being lousy examples of the accuracy you guys are talking about here.
But I also think that there’s nothing wrong with sharing the best group you have ever shot just for fun.
When I shot this group ( with the tape) at 130 yards with my .20 Rapid I posted it because I was so excited about it.
In the past two years I’ve gotten one other group that was really good, one pellet drifted out of the group.
Anyway, that’s two stellar groups in about three years of trying at 130 yards lol!
I can do very well shooting this rifle off of bags at 50 yards…if there’s no wind.
But I just haven’t had much success with reading the wind.
I have usually three flags on my range.
My range is all uphill with strange winds.
Sometimes the flag near the target is blowing right and the flag nearest me is swirling around in circles!
I mostly just give up and shoot through the wind, which of course teaches me nothing!
Those of you who are able to read the wind are like wizards to me lol!


There are lots of ways to determine the repeatable accuracy of a rifle….but they will never be popular on forums.

Average accuracy is not nearly as impressive as one time accuracy with the pretense of regularity.

The same can be said of 1 card benchrest matches. They are very poor formats for finding the best shooter.

So I did read it and also read all the congratulatory responses which is exactly what most people who post statistical luck groups are fishing for regardless of what they say in the accompanying post, looking for an ego booster.
What I got from this and the accompanying thread is Mike has been trying to explain that these groups are NOT what happens ‘all day long’. The title of the thread is a bit of mockery.

Not only does Mike study accuracy and what it takes to achieve it, he shares a great deal of info here.

Just my opinion,
So I did read it and also read all the congratulatory responses which is exactly what most people who post statistical luck groups are fishing for regardless of what they say in the accompanying post, looking for an ego booster.

He is a manufacturer who is showcasing his product. That product happens to be one of, if not the, best engineered air rifles in the world today.
The Thomas rifle is capable of incredible accuracy, and is a proven match winning platform many times over. The wait list is full, and shooters in certain disciplines use the Thomas as a benchmark for performance.

His ego is stroked by the length of the wait list for Thomas rifles, and the numerous match reports that indicate wins by Thomas rifles.

While the title of the post is tongue in cheek, the information contained in this thread is very valuable IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO READ EVERYTHING instead of getting twisted at the jest put forth in the title.
You made an assumption and assigned a motivation based on lack of understanding with your 'ego boost' statement.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.