I appreciate all the replies. The darn things are just too expensive to purchase in order to find that right one that will work best with said rifle I guess...lol.
Darn good point, the combined cost of several moderators would've bought one heckuva pellet stash!
A rifle that meets even the most stringent definitions of "backyard quiet" out of the box would be ideal, whether by clever shrouding or a moderator purpose built for that model. Have a Cricket carbine that came with a factory moderator attached, & proprietary threading that precludes changing the moderator without an adapter. But the moderator is clearly a great match- it's very quiet, and very accurate. Just because, I shot a few targets without the moderator early on; much louder (as expected), but also measurably less accurate. Best I can tell, nothing super innovative about the moderator design or materials. Kalibrgun just made sure it worked well without causing accuracy issues (or got really lucky

). Of course, having a "factory quiet" rifle becomes more difficult as power levels increase. One thing to do it on a rifle ~30 fpe or less, quite another to do it with a 100 fpe beast.
Such designs may cause increased cost, but the Benjamin Marauder is proof that it can be done without sending price into the stratosphere.
Anyhoo, apologies for the manifesto... will get back on topic.
Have a 0db 110C currently serving on my Wolverine field target rig. Wonderfully effective, and preliminary testing when the rifle was new showed no change to group size or point of impact. Also true of the Red Wolf that wore it previously. Admit that I wasn't very thorough, just a few 5 shot groups. Of course none of that helps you with
your rifle