Well I decided to finally fix the poor accuracy of my 1st gen .22 Marauder. Just ordered a hammer forged barrel from Jim Gaska at Marmot Militia Machine Works: http://www.marmotmilitia.com/hammer-forged-barrels.html I bought this gun used from Precision Air for $300. Then added a Tim Hill valve, gauge block and .160 transfer port and barrel band. Then bought a Huma .25 cal regulator. Deburred and polished the air tube and hammer. I upgraded the baffles with 2nd gen ones. My goal was a high power regulated .22 Mrod. The gun puts out 39 FPE for 16 shots. Is very consistant and smooth cocking and shooting but the crappy factory barrel keeps it from making me truly happy. So I have now spent just over $1000. on a Marauder! It damn well better be accurate after this! If it is then it will be a keeper. If not then an expensive lesson. But it has taught me a lot about air guns and that is actually worth quite a bit as I continue on with this air gun adventure. I really do like the gun and have had lots of fun with it including teaching others to shoot.
Wish me luck!

Wish me luck!