With my project all shooting beyond 100 yard gun I’ve moved past the printing group phase a year or so ago. Now it’s been all about how far I can trust that gun on a first cold shot. But when I was in the average group size phase, this particular gun was required to have all groups covered by a quarter at 100. But I’m not talking about a couple shooting sessions. I’m talking about months of shooting data and saved groups. It’s not every day that you have conditions that you can trust what you’re printing. These aren’t powder burners. They are limp biscuits. I have a ton of other guns and projects so it wasn’t all about burning myself out on just one gun. But once I knew the gun was always going to do what it was supposed to if I did what I’m supposed to at 100, I moved to the how far can I trust this thing on a cold shot.
Ironic this topic pops up because I just cold shot a red today at 130 yards with a 18 day cold shot. So while I’m sure we will see some impressive groups in a topic like this, I’m only interested in guns that will do it cold. This gun will also do mice off this feeder cold shots. Lots of work and testing to the point I got sick of it. But worth it now.