N/A 100yds groups ....No "White Lies"... No " B.S." ... just be honest ..

This evening... very good conditions .....re wind..

36gr H&N @ 985 ish

12 groups of various counts.. A couple of very good sub moa groups and some not so good...and one very weird "Flyer" ( the one out all by itself on the left section!! )

If you overlay all these groups it translates to a smidgen over 1.5 moa.

Also interesting is the changing POI over the entire string of groups..

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I have been staring at your target to the point that I’m having flashbacks. Pretending it’s mine, I could rule the 3 shot group as a possible uncooperative streak of lead in my barrel. The walking around POI is something that can cause lost sleep. But I look at the bigger picture. Your gun really never lost control of its groups, just where it was printing them. You found through what you’ve done and tested a good shooter. Maybe the last part is not fixable with what we have to work with. Your POI walked around a 1.5” circle without leaving it. Most would love for that to be their biggest problem.

I think what you asked for and what you posted would benefit this hobby so much. The one or two cherry picked groups make places a lot of money by selling projectiles, but they can be misleading. I’ve printed plenty of groups that if I posted pics of, would have sold slugs, guns and other fluff. Only to find over the next days or weeks, the gun and combo couldn’t do it all the time. And that in the end is what guys want.

If a guy wants to post pics of groups, it should at least be five groups printed in the picture. Or just keep your wonder group to yourself.
If a guy wants to post pics of groups, it should at least be five groups printed in the picture. Or just keep your wonder group to yourself.
Yeah mate, that's just what i was trying to get across ....... "One" Group is NOT a representation of what a rifle ( and shooter ) is capable of !!
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If you follow serious benchrest shooter in PB world , it's pretty easy to see what is deemed an accurate rifle. It's the same in air. I doubt anyone truly thinks there given shooting device is accurate from 1 group. Potential maybe but deemed accurate ...nah
Archery is the same...If my BowTech threw 1 single mysterious over the top flyer....I wouldn't even hunt with it until solved or move on to another shooting platform & start over
980fps: Corbin slugs
Prints 3/4 moa. Just got back from the range and forgot to take a picture and forgot to keep the paper. Was to busy taking measurements down for a target stand. It was 5 groups in a row 3/4" and less.
I have heard guys shoot slugs 1020 to 1040. My panthera doesn't like it. It opens up to 1.5 moa at that time. I have tried boat tails also. It does not like above 910. Boat tails have not been. As accurate. So I do not use them much. My reg setting is at 160 also if that helps. Running a pin probe also.
This group was with the new EVOL HPS 30 shot at 103yds with absolute zero wind. This was the last group of the day. 9 shots with AEA 50gr.

This is NOT a "My di*k is bigger than yours" ... just some interest in real world groups shot at around 100yds ... ANY airgun, any calibre.....Slug..... Pellet.

If you were to fire ...... "5" ...... 5 shot groups in still conditions...what would your "average" spread be?

i'd show you my hundred yard group but i think it is two counties over with this weeks winds.:eek: