Thanks for the replies. I am asking the following, not to argue but to try and understand better.
"That's cause the reg work on pressure, not on volume" So if I understand you correctly, you say that it is actually flow regulator but act as a pressure regulator. A flow regulator will mainly work on volume, right?
"The reg stop sending air once the pressure is balanced." Is that not the working of a pressure regulator? It close when it reached the set pressure even if there is now flow. My logic say that, with a flow regulator, if the flow gets less, it will open more to give more flow. Am I wrong?
"It must flow air in order to perform this function" Yes that is true, until it reach the pressure then it close down so then there is no more flow.
" it is confusing to conceptualize it as "flow regulator." That is my problem.
The flow through the barrel is dictated by the valve and the transfer port, fueled by the existing pressure in the plenum, not air coming through the regulator during the firing cycle. Right?
Again, I am just trying to understand. Thanks.