Hi, let me preface this by saying i don't know diddly about the Artemis regulators or the gun for that matter, I'm sure there is someone on this forum that does. Have you done a search? Does the gun hold pressure over night? If yes than skip any leaks in the reg. If No then a bad o-ring, always a good idea to change them out anyway. I see that they don't have a breather hole so, you'd have to balloon the barrel, probe closed. Side note, I see that Lane and Huma both make regs for it. How about the breech o-ring, I'm assuming there is one, is it good?
"I your NOT losing pressure as in a leak ?" No, there is no leak causing it to loose pressure.
"And what ever tank pressure is, also is the plenum pressure ?" The rifle only has a tube pressure gauge. It does not have a plenum gauge.
"You have #1 a failed o-ring on the seat height adjuster if one in present in the regs design." I am not sure if a O-ring failed. Everything looked OK.
"That or debris on .... or just a damaged seat sealing surface" If it was debris, I did not see anything. Do you think debris can enter into the pressure tube via the pump? I am using a hand pump. There is filters in the pump line. If so, that might be the problem, I did not think about that.

Thanks for the reply.
Pretty sure our buddy Jack nailed it. What kind of lube are you using on it? Personally I like synthetic motor oil, it's slick. Just a VERY light coat on your fingers then rub everything or a bit on a clean microfiber towel. I prefer my fingers, you can feel imperfections.
If it happens again I will replace all the regulator O-rings, just in case that is the problem. I did not check what size they are but will do so if I open it again.

What hardness O-rings must be used in a regulator? I saw some conflicting info. Some say 70 others say 90. Or does it not matter?
Yeah, that .... if it moves 90, if it doesn't , 70. As I stated I use Synthetic motor oil, not a fan of silicon. I've done the regs in both of my Mavericks and it's been longer than I can remember, still working great. NOTE: If the o-ring that requires a 90 is SMALL, chuck it in boiling water, that'll soften it up and let you get it on instead of breaking it. It won't hurt it. You'll need some pointy tweezers to handle them. The Maverick has some really tiny ones (2x1), a total PIA but the method works.
REGULATOR inner spool can not get "Stuck" unless ... :unsure:

There is Corrosion / Rust within the interior spaces and on the parts.
Or reg has been unused for so long that the o-rings have hardened and Glued / Adhered themself to the body of the regulator.

*As one who has serviced 100's & hundreds of PCP regulators made from Aluminum, Brass, Steel & some plastics .... they fail for other reasons, but getting stuck or hung up is not one of them if there clean & lightly lubricated.
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