I hate them and misplaced mine for the Vulcan 3 so I machined a new one from 303 stainless that can be left in the gun. I much prefer a foster fitting which should be cheaper for the manufacturer and less machine steps so I don't know why fill probes exist.
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I see many guys don't like it. Just out of curiosity, why not?

I only have a rifle with a fill probe and don't have a problem with using it. It seems to me that inserting a fill probe or a foster fitting is the same effort.
for starts it's fiddly and easy to loose / hard to keep track of and another chance to introduce dirt or grime into our air babies... second... more o-rings... usually 2 per probe... meh... a QD fitting is across the board easier. why the companies keep making probes is beyond me.
Preference really depends on the gun. For instance, I HATE the probe on the Kral Empires. They cut such a large valve port with sharp edges and it's always cutting orings to shreads. Twice, I've had to degass the gun and clean the valve out because it didn't seal due to a sliver of oring getting stuck in there.

I really like the fill probe ports on the Uragan's. The internal hole is tiny and doesn't eat orings. AGT did it right.
I have two without a probe and 3 with - all P35s. If I switch which gun I'm shooting from one with a probe to one without (or vice versa) that means switching what is on the fill hose. The bigger issue I have had is the probe sometimes leaks. It's been working well recently but for awhile I was swapping O-rings and adding silicone grease to make it work, Foster just works. I admit the probe can permit a nicer appearing fill area but I'd rather have a foster. Function over appearance for me.
I think the only problem with probes is that they aren't standardized. If nearly all airguns used a standardized probe then there wouldn't be any complaints about losing them or their being proprietary or anything else. You'd just leave it permanently attached to the end of your fill whip and use it in the same manner most of us use a foster fitting on the end of our fill whips now.

Personally, I think fill probes are an improvement over a foster fitting. They're smaller and sleeker. They're not a game changer in any way, but things end up being improved significantly over the decades by the accumulation of dozens of small and seemingly insignificant improvements.
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