for starts it's fiddly and easy to loose / hard to keep track of and another chance to introduce dirt or grime into our air babies... second... more o-rings... usually 2 per probe... meh... a QD fitting is across the board easier. why the companies keep making probes is beyond me.I see many guys don't like it. Just out of curiosity, why not?
I only have a rifle with a fill probe and don't have a problem with using it. It seems to me that inserting a fill probe or a foster fitting is the same effort.
I'd like to see a picture of that.Or you could get a Kral bottle gun, which has its own QD adapter from foster to their foster
I love my jumbo, but why they do that is very odd.
Here ya go. This is a stock photo. You have to actually add the foster end on the threaded side.I'd like to see a picture of that.
How is a probe easier to use and more secure?Cannot stand guns with Foster ( and had quite a few of them ) would like the new Eagle claw but refuse to buy one because of the Foster.
Probes never gave me a single problem, they are easier to use and feel much more secure then any Foster.
They make those, they're called Foster fittings.They need to make a probe with a screw on the end.. Insert your probe, insert screw and tighten the screw.. that way it is in permanently...