Preference really depends on the gun. For instance, I HATE the probe on the Kral Empires. They cut such a large valve port with sharp edges and it's always cutting orings to shreads. Twice, I've had to degass the gun and clean the valve out because it didn't seal due to a sliver of oring getting stuck in there.

I really like the fill probe ports on the Uragan's. The internal hole is tiny and doesn't eat orings. AGT did it right.
Except Uragan probe won't fit Uragan 2, fits Taipan Veterans, though.
Not what I am saying.. Drill and tap the end of the probe to accept a flat headed screw, with larger diameter than the probe, to affix the probe to the gun..
Some Guns have a rotating cover with only 1 hole that lines up with the fill port.
A strap lock type thingamajig would be ideal. Could design and 3D print something like that.
I agree that if probes were standardized they would be much better. I really like the probe set up on my Huben K1 - the fact that it has a built in cover for the probe holes on the gun is excellent.

But I do think a foster fitting is much better for guns that one would shoot off a bench tethered to a tank - the foster is so much more secure, while the probe can slip out easily and vent in a way that could startle the shooter.

I think a probe on an Edgun Eazyfill is a perfect way to shoot - so easy to add air while leaving the line charged. That is what I do with my Huben if I'm ever shooting extended sessions from the bench, and it is great for a small bottle out in the field too.
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Not what I am saying.. Drill and tap the end of the probe to accept a flat headed screw, with larger diameter than the probe, to affix the probe to the gun..
I understood you, I was joking. I considered making my fill probe that way but in the end I just made it a snug fit and it stays on it's own. I also considered drilling and tapping the hole on either side of the block to install close fitting fosters but decided simple is best for me at the moment.
I just leave the fill probes in the weapon and never take them out. I put the same cover on them that I do on my Foster fittings which is a used rubber stopper end. They fit fine and keep dirt out. I could give a rats rectum what it looks like, all I care about is if it keeps the dust out and that makes it easier to fill when I have to. I have never lost a field probe.
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How is a probe easier to use and more secure?
One hand operation, Fosters need two hands to get them on and more so off, probes just slip in and out one handed.

probe once is pushed in is super secure and an easy thing to do and monitor, fosters sometimes you thing they are in but miss the click and that is a problem.

so yes definitely more secure and easier to operate.
One hand operation, Fosters need two hands to get them on and more so off, probes just slip in and out one handed.

probe once is pushed in is super secure and an easy thing to do and monitor, fosters sometimes you thing they are in but miss the click and that is a problem.

so yes definitely more secure and easier to operate.
I use fosters with one hand every time and like them better but as long as everyone has what they like that's all that matters. Mahalo.
Just part of the "price of admission" into the PCP hobby....I keep my probes in a box together and life goes on.
Note: While filling a Streamline with a beautiful laminate stock, some years a go I had a probe oring failure at around 200bar...Tought me to position myself AND the gun out of line of the whip/probe. The whip rebound ALMOST hit that beautiful black pepper laminate stock....Lesson learned...after I changed my underwear.
Maybe just make 1 universal standard fit probe / one size fits all instead of mess there is ...

One of my favorite posts are the lost probe help find a replacement that works ..

Then even funnier is how the manufacturer don't offer a replacement probe as a easy add to cart from there site.. and there you sit ....

Almost like it's planed to be a super inconvenience..
I too dont mind fill probes, but i must admit mine ( 2 PCS Vulcan 3 and FX Cyclone fill probes ) are fitted with foster fitting CUZ i use the same fill kit on all of my rifles.
I am contemplating a #2 fill kit, but it too will be like the first one i have.

My probes however are not permanently installed but they do follow their respective rifles in their hard case, along with a small assortment of spare parts - extra magazines ASO
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